Mend me

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Kira's POV

I woke up at four in the afternoon and went down to the kitchen to eat my soup. As I was sipping my creamy mushroom soup, all the girls barged in and squealed in happiness when they saw me, they all hugged me, even Sylvia. "Thank God that you came out alive!!" Cara said as she broke down sobbing, I quickly left my stool and hugged her with my free arm, "Don't cry bestie," I told her and my heart fluttered at her action, I did not know she cared about me that much. The girls excused themselves and left to pack because we'll be leaving later this night, "You're right I should not cry, all that matters is that you're here, with us," she said and I smiled and pinched her cheeks.

We went back to my room so we could talk more privately, "Tell me, how did Domenic react when you woke up? You know he stayed with you the whole time and was in a daze," she blurted out and I smiled at the thought. "He was very sweet and gentle," I said while I remembered the hot moments we encountered, "Did you do the nasty?" She asked with her eyes wide in anticipation for my answer, "I smacked her shoulder and she faked getting hurt, "Of course not!! We just kissed. Twice!" I told her and her grin grew wider, "Ohhh so he has a heart after all," she said to herself, "So where do you see yourself with him? Sorry but you're too pure to be by his side, don't get me wrong but he is an asshole and you're an angel," she said and a frown fell on my face at her words.

She was right, he is an asshole but that didn't change the fact that I was attracted to him in a very fucked up way, he scared me, kidnapped me, and almost made me kill myself, but on the other hand, he saw my scars and made me feel secure about how I looked in front of him. He made me feel safe and provided me with everything I asked for, and what matters to me the most is that he gave me a new chance in life, he gave me a shot to seek my revenge without even pestering me to speak about my past.

I know how mafia shit goes and he could've dug deep into my past and learned my true identity. "I don't know," I told Cara and shrugged my face falling down as I answered, as if she could sense my discomfort so she squeezed my hand and stood up and started packing my clothes.

What will our relationship be like? I asked myself. We all know that he doesn't like settling down and neither do I, I know I am very conservative and still a virgin but he always could ignite my feelings and emotions with one look. I couldn't argue, he was a walking sex God and I was at his mercy. A scary thought made its way to my mind, what if he somehow learned about my real identity? What would happen then? A shiver ran through my body and I was scared, I know he doesn't do love but you know that a girl could get the feeling from the significant other and I knew that to him, I was not like any other female he had encountered or else, welp....I'd be dead.

I was daydreaming and many thoughts swirled in my mind, so I decided to shake them off and focus on the present only. I stood up when Cara was done with my clothes and we went to her room so I could accompany her while she packed her own clothes. Time was passing by slowly, after Cara was done she and the girls were going out to buy some souvenirs for their friends but since I couldn't go I decided to sit in my room and talk with Mike and Angela.

I dialed Mike's number and the line started ringing, after 3 times he answered, "Hello?" He breathed out, "Hi Mike," I answered him waiting for his wrath to fall on me, "Angel! It's really you," his voice was cut when Angela snatched the phone from him, "My baby!!" She squealed but then she switched her transformers switch, "How dare you not call for almost 4 months Kira?" She spat and I could feel her anger through the mic, "I'm sorry!! I know, I should've called you earlier but I am really busy, ask Claire and Jenn," I said in defense, she sighed, "I know, we called them and they told us that you were busy with your boss abroad. Tell me darling is he hot? Are you guys being safe? Don't be because I want to become a grandma," she said and my jaw dropped. "Angela!!" I said and chuckled, "Well he is hot but nothing happened between us," I was cut off by Mike's voice, "You better stay like that because if he touches you, I'll rip his balls off his body," I laughed and heard Angela smack him on the head, "Ignore him dear, you know how he's a tad bit possessive over you my dear," she said and I could imagine her giving Mike her famous 'you're dead' glare. We talked for a bit more and then I hung up the phone after they made me promise them to call each weekend at least.

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