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                    𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐡𝐚𝗺, 𝐍𝗼𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝗼𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚


One week later...

Euphoria sniffed, wiping her nose as she laid in the hospital bed near Paris. She looked at him through her teary eyes and reached up, running her fingers through his beard while snuggling her body close to his. She rested her head down onto his shoulder while caressing one of his hands into hers and closed her eyes, allowing the tears that she was tired of forming to drop.

Loved ones such as Paris's grandmother, aunt, cousins and of course—him and Euphoria's close mutual friends filled the room. They all had watched the emotional and sad view in silence, wishing that they'd didn't have to be here only for everything to be alright.

It was a Sunday, the day where Ms. Shannon had everyone come up to the hospital to gather amongst each other in prayer. It had been a thing since the past week or two that she'd wanted everyone to be in good spirits with everything that was going on.

She knew that her grandson wouldn't want neither one of those who cared for him thinking negatively of his situation, so she'd made it her best to think only positive things but only in the hope of being able for time to pass—in order for her grandson to wake up and get better.

Although Paris hadn't known nor could he tell—everyone made it a task for him not tell feel alone. Whether it was from them just speaking and talking-having conversations with him or just coming and sitting in the room where he resided, they all made it as duty of theirs to be there for him as much as they could.

"Euphoria baby" Ms. Shannon called out, looking over at the young lady that laid upon her grandson. She'd sat there with full of sympathy as she listened to the quiet cries that escaped her mouth and sighed seeing her cover her face.

It had officially been a week since every thing had hit ground. With dealing with the sudden death of her mother and the emotions that came with it—on top of dealing with the state of her boyfriend being shot and fallen into a coma, Ms. Shannon felt nothing but sorrow for her.

She could tell that the Euphoria was dealing with coping slowly and that pained her to know that, one of the most important people she knew that was suppose to help her throughout this hard time was wounded and not in the position to be there.

The conversation of it all had been brought up to her by Shirley—Euphoria's grandmother that she wanted her to do everything that she could with being there for her grand baby, especially since she couldn't physically be there herself due to her illness and daily treatments.

She wanted her granddaughter to have someone who was certainly strong and whole hearted to be there for her, knowing that this was a time she knew would be extremely hard for her but also being there but with a distance and leaving Ms. Shannon in her hands.

"Y-yes" Euphoria's soft voice cracked, answering.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Ms. Shannon asked, standing up from her seat and walking over placing her hand on her shoulder while rubbing it.

Euphoria simply nodded her head, knowing that she wasn't but rather not wanting to press the issue of actually saying that she wasn't.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

It had been days after of what all had happened and Euphoria did feel like she wasn't getting any better by the day. She didn't know any answers to what had happened and how she was going to go through with facing any of it.

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