Chapter 5- Lonely

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"The only thing worse than being alone is being around those who make you feel lonely."


Where. Is. Eri

That was the only thing on my mind and the fact that she was nowhere to be seen concerned me.

I looked beneath me, only to see the floor shoot upwards, taking me with it.

And then I saw her.


Without thinking, I jumped onto the platform she and Overhaul were on.

"Nice of you to join us Akito, it makes my life easier." Overhaul said

The green-haired hero named Deku leaped up and tried to grab us, but he was too far.

If only someone was to give that extra push, he'd be able to reach us. I knew Eri wanted to go. Hell, even I wanted to go. But I couldn't. I just couldn't because I was scared. I was scared I'd be met with the same disappointment I was met with long ago.

But Eri isn't me. She is her own person and holding her back here would hurt her more than letting her go.

So I did what any child in my position would do.

I pushed her off.

She started falling and Deku caught her as he started falling down, but he soon realized I didn't jump, and he tried to reach me, but I waved at Eri as tears glistened in her eyes.

It was time we parted for a bit.

"DAMNIT ERI JUST HAD TO GO! FOR FUCKS SAKE, AKITO FUCKING GET HER BACK HERE AND-" and then he got hit by a giant tail from a dragon lady. She missed me by an inch.

As the battle raged on, I decided to sneak away. Tayah had told me where to go, so that's where I was going to go.

I was out on the streets when Deku had used Eri's rewind powers to help him defeat Overhaul.

Blood splashed on me. I shuddered. I hate blood, too many painful memories come from that yucky red liquid.

I sat in a little alleyway not too far from where the heroes captured Overhaul.

"Fudge, I'm so cold..." I said while hugging my knees.

I saw Tayah getting pushed into the same police car as Overhaul. I still don't understand why they put her in.

Not only that, but I saw Eri look around as if she was looking for me.

"Good thing she can't see me from here"

I waited. I was planning to run while things had died down and I'd be safe to go where I was told to go.

Then someone tapped me on the shoulder, he looked just like... could it be...

"A-ah I'm sor-ry for startling you, you're one o-of the kidnapped kids, right...?"

I didn't respond, what could I possibly say to him.

"Wa-ait a-re you A-akito?"

I nodded my head

"Oh my god... Mirio told me he might have seen you... do you...remember me?"

I nodded, remembering exactly why he was familiar.

It's because he was my brother.

The same one who probably stopped looking for me.

I backed away slowly.

"Let me go Tamaki,I'm just going to leave and you will never see me again."

"That's not happening, cmon Akito let's go." Amajiki said as he came closer

"Didn't I say to stay the hell away."

"Guys he's over here!"

Other heroes approached me and I started to panic.

End them Akito. Do it now.

"Please stop...please leave me alone."

But they kept coming closer.

Then my enhancing quirk activated itself.

"What don't you idiots get when someone says to stay back!"

And then my scream became enhanced and started to make the ground shake.

"AIZAWA, CANCEL THIS KIDS QUIRK TOO!" A hero shouted very loudly.

The tired-looking hero came closer to me.

No...he needs to stay back, I- I just want Tayah... she always knows how to make me feel better.

I continued to scream, and my cries vibrated and started making things shake.


And then suddenly, my quirk stopped working.

I felt so powerless.

"A-ah st-ay away..." I no longer had much fight left in me.

"H-he asked for the first year girl m-maybe we should let her calm him d-own" Tamaki suggested

"We can't let a criminal near a chil-" A hero started to say

"But she's the only one he feels safe around! As much as she betrayed all of us... I know she won't hurt him, she even stopped mid-battle just to make sure he exited safely, and she made sure her attacks wouldn't put him in danger." Mirio said.

"If she as much as lays a hand on him, this is on you Mirio, already with Sir Nighteye in the hospital, I hope you realize this isn't some ga-"

"I KNOW IT ISN'T OK?! I DO... and right now he wants to be around her, doesn't that say a lot if even a child feels scared of heroes, we should bring smiles, not tears... so let him see the girl."

They let Mirios words sink in and then took Tayah out of the car, and she kneeled in front of me.

"Hey kiddo, you sure gave 'em hell if they needed to call me," she said coughing, still hurt from the fight

"They - they're so s-scary..."

Some heroes looked at me and softened their stone-cold looks now understanding they made me scared.

"They won't kill you, that's for sure, although they are real pains in the ass and might try to use you for personal gain,-" she said, but a hero hit her in the head.

"Don't swear in front of a child, and don't tell him such false corrupt things, we don't want him to end up like you, miss Todoroki." The centipede hero said

"I had my reasons for all of this, believe it or not I do really love the kid. Well I'm going to jail for this Akito... if you've learned from anything you've seen today is that the bad guys, they don't win even if they're doing it for the betterment of others. Just try not to go to jail ok? I'm not good with these pep talks."

I smiled "I'll try, I promise!"

"Don't forget me, ok?" Tayah said, stretching out her pinky towards me

"Not unless you do first," I said, stretching out mine.

"Times up villain, get back in the car," the dragon hero said, bringing her back in the car with Kai.

And soon they drove off.

"Bye Tayah..." I said

"Ok now grab the kid before he starts up another tantru-"

~~And then I passed out~~


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