Chapter 7- Golden smiles for golden girls

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The sad thing is they say forever, but they just mean that until they find someone better


Tamaki's POV

"We all end up in a tomb, in the ground. No matter who we are, so everything we do is pointless" My little brother said, looking in the distance.

Is that how he really sees the world?

"The world is a pretty scary place, huh..." Akito said, "Filled with people pointlessly battling each other, or hurting those they care about, just to climb the scale of society. Life is scary and yet people believe in the end, their efforts pay off and that then end prize was worth the sacrifices, only to realize it wasn't. After the damage is done they look back and see just what they had before was all they needed. This world is... a brutal place where only the strong survive and withstand..."

He got up, probably feeling too vulnerable than he should have

"Heh..." he said whipping his face, although, there was no tears comming out. "Guess that explains why you're a crappy hero."

I looked down, feeling a little hurt by the comment.

"Because out of all the heroes, not even you, my brother, a hero in training could save me. Ha. But instead you probably stopped looking. Loving the bond we have Tamaki."

And he walked off, and just like that it felt like I lost my brother for a second time.

Time skip brought to you by Gon running from Hisoka

Akito's Pov

"Pickaboo" Mirio said to both me and Eri who sat in the food court of the school.

"Stop, you look stupid doing that." I said earning a shove from Eri.

"Cmon Akito he's trying to do something nice I don't think you need to be rude."

"So you guys don't like pickaboo?"

"I'm not five dumb b-"

And then I looked at Eri who gave me a glare.

"Dumbo." I finished saying, taking a bite out of a dumpling.

"So what does make you guys smile?"


"Oh, have you tried it?"

"No. Smiling is crappy."

I look beside me seeing Eri trying her best to force a smile.

"Eri, stop. That looks scary." I said now taking a forkfull of spaghetti.

"That's mean Akito." Deku said

"Honestly is a cruel thing isn't it."

"Well, I haven't smiled in a really long time..." Eri said

And then it became Mirio and Deku's goal to make her smile, completely forgetting about me, but that's ok. I'm used to it.

Walking outside the school doors was easy because no one was guarding it at this time since they change teachers to watch at this time, although Mr. Sleep deprived is always lurking around... I sat on a bench outside. Now that I get to see the sun, I've just been so drawn to it.

"H-hey, uhm Akito?" Tamaki said coming from behind me, "You know you can't be outside alone r-right?"

"No one was guarding the door, for a hero school they have really poor security."

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