Part 2

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Midoriya woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. He flipped the blanket off of himself and got up to answer it. When he opened the door he saw a very energetic Iida, who was just about to knock on the door again. "Ah, Midoriya! You slept pass your alarm, are you feeling alright? Should I inform Mr. Aizawa that you're sick?!" He was waving his arms up and down quickly, making Izuku nervous that he would hit his hands on something, most likely himself. He managed to grab hold of one of Iida's arms and stop it from waving. "Iida, I'm sorry to make you worry but I feel fine. I didn't realize I slept past my alarm. I just went to bed late last night."

Iida's worried expression slowly formed into a smile, and he apologized for causing any possibly trouble and ran down the hallway. Izuku smiled as he closed his door and went to get dressed.

When he finished he went downstairs into the main room to find everyone sitting somewhere on one of the couches or the floor by the couches. Midoriya was welcomed down by Momo, soon after Jirou waving at him as he went to sit down. He pulled out his phone to see that he had received a text from Rody from the night before that he hadn't seen.

-Seriously, should I be concerned about the whole "Bakugou blowing up a building thing"? Though I'm sure it was just right for roasting marshmallows.-

He let out a small laugh, but apparently loud enough for Kacchan to glare at him, almost telling him to shut up.

He text back with a laughing emoji, and assured him that everyone left safely,

-I'd really like to see you again sometime soon, Deku. We should try calling or maybe FaceTiming tonight. -

-Sure, Rody. I won't mind staying up a couple hours. Talk to you later, then?-

-Yeah, later freckles.-

He set his phone down as he smiled at the suddenly new nickname he had been given. Though it was unexpected, he liked it.

[Timeskip brought to you by Good Soup]

When Izuku got to his room, he sat down at his desk and started to clean up papers from his class. Just as he did, his phone started vibrating on the desk. He picked it up and saw an incoming call from Rody. He picked it up and put it to his ear and kept cleaning.

"Hey Deku! How are you doing? I'm glad you picked up, I want sure if you were available!"

"Hey Rody!" He smiled as he was able to hear his excitement over the phone. "I'm doing really well actually! How about you? And Roro and Lala? And Pino, of course."

"Well, they're all doing well. Roro and Lala keep asking about you, and when they might see you again, they miss you.

...Are you on an okay spot to FaceTime?"

Izuku stopped moving around the room, then set down the papers neatly on the desk. " Yeah, I'm just in my room right now, you want to?"

"Yeah, sure."

He removed his phone from his ear and sent a FaceTime request to him, having him almost immediately pick up. Rody was settling down onto his bed when he picked up, trying to get comfortable.

"Hey, Rody."

"Hey, handsome."

Rody made a playfully flirty face as he finally stopped moving on his bed. Izuku laughed at his facial expression, obviously showing he was joking.

"They both sat in silence for a couple seconds, trying to think of something to say. Finally Rody started to speak.

"So how's training going lately?"

"It's going pretty well, though apparently I slept through my alarm this morning, because of how late I stayed up. I didn't mean to, guess I just wasn't watching the time last night."

"Kay, make sure your getting your sleep. It's well needed. You always work really hard, make sure you get a break."

Izuku nodded as he smiled. It made him so happy every time somebody worried about him or his health. Not that he liked making people worry, just the thought that they care enough about him.

Suddenly he heard a call from somebody down in the main room, possibly calling for dinner.

"Oh! I've gotta hang up, Rody, someone's calling me downstairs. We'll talk again soon,okay?"

"Okay, see you later."

They sat in silence before Izuku hung up, he felt like he had more to say to him.

"Miss you, Rody. Get good sleep okay?"

Rody smiled at him and nodded, encouraging Izuku himself to sleep as well. With that, Izuku hung up and put his phone in his pocket as he yelled downstairs that he was on his way down.

30 READS IN 2 DAYS? THANK YOU SO MUCH. And the comments made me happy, thank you for reading! I'm glad you like it!

I'll update part 3 as soon as possible, until then, TATA]

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