Chap. 27

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Hyejin wakes up when she felt cold, she looked all over the room and find no Yongsun. It's her second to the last day of her heat. For those days that she had heat, Yongsun was there to help her.

But now, she knows that Yongsun has to go to work and has things to do in the company. She looked at the window and saw the sun is already rising as she went back to sleep. She covered her body with the blanket and the sweaters that Yongsun left. She sniffs the scent and it helps her to calm every time and it makes her fall asleep fast.

On the other hand, Yongsun looked at her phone, hoping that Joy, her secretary, and make-up artist when she's bored. She hopes that she doesn't have any schedule for today. But suddenly her phone screen changes when her secretary calls. "The fuck!" She curses.

"Hello, Ms. President?" Joy greeted her formally.

Yongsun sighs. "I told you to drop the 'Ms. President' thingy," she sighs again.

"Oh... So I called because Mr. Oh wanted to meet you in an hour,"

"What?!" Yongsun sat up from her bed. "An hour?!" She looked at the wall clock. "It's clearly 6 in the morning," she complains as she ruffles her hair.

"I know, Miss, but your lucky it's your only meeting today and no more paperwork because...I don't know what you did that time why you stayed for 2 days here just to finish all of those," Joy chuckled.

Yongsun's mood lightens up. "So let me get this straight...Mr. Oh is the only meeting I have today...and then none for the whole day?" She jumps out of the bed.

"Yes," Joy chuckled. "Also you don't have things to do for the next two days," she added.

Yongsun shouted a few yeses because now she can be with Hyejin and help her with the heat she's having right now. "Thank you, Joy," she smiles before they bid their goodbyes as they hung up.

She went straight to the bathroom and take a shower with a smile. She already had planned what are the things she will do while putting shampoo on her hair.


Yongsun hops on her car as she leans on the seat and sighs. After an hour of meeting with Mr. Oh, she changes her common suit into a t-shirt and sweat pants before she headed to her car and call Byul first.

It's been her fifth day since she's been busy spending her time with Hyejin's heat, and she forget to call Byul about the condom in her bag. She called her instantly and after some ringing, the woman finally answered.

"Hello?" Byul said as she yawn.

"Moon Byul-Yi!" Yongsun busts out startling Byul from her senses.

"What?!" The woman on the phone shouts back. "It's early in the morning yet you're being rude!"

Yongsun sighs to calm herself. "I'm not being rude if I didn't find out that there are a bunch of condoms in my bag," she said sarcastically.

"Condoms?" Byul asks, thinking of why would her unnie call her about having condoms in her bag.

"Yeah, condoms," the model repeated. "I called you because you're the only person who could've put it."

The woman on the other line thinks about it if she put the condom. Until a memory flashed in her head that made her laugh. "Oh...I remember," she chuckled.

Yongsun sighs again. "So it's you who put it?"

"Yeah," Byul chuckled once again.

The laughing made the model irritated because of her hybrid think. "Do you know what you did?!"

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