Chap. 28

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The weather is fine, so fine that Yongsun doesn't mind if she's been sitting on the same bed. She's been on her bed, writing on her notes about the book that Wheein gave her. Her hair in a bun, glasses on, pen on her right ear, and water on the side to keep her hydrated.

She knows that she still has a lot of paper works to do. But being a company's president is not with her for today. Though she kept on forcing herself to begin it, she's still not having it whenever she thought of Hyejin.

Speaking of Hyejin, she already had a work that is Yongsun suggestion. She didn't know why she's already an employee when she didn't even have an interview or skill testing. But she's thankful that she already had something that she can earn herself money for.

It's a work in a bar, a bartender to be exact. Well, she didn't need to learn or to be a trainee because she's a bartender in her past work. She also has experience mixing alcohol so it'll never be a problem.

While Yongsun is having a crisis whether she should do her work or her self-study. "Oh...her nails? Claws?" She doesn't know what to call the lioness' nails. "Whatever it's called, it's retractable," she smirks as she drinks her water. "I might ask Hyejin to show me about it," she giggles.

But a sudden soft knock on the door somehow sends her that something is going on. So she walk to the door and open it an inches apart, there she saw one of the maids smiling at her. "Milady, he's looking for you," the maid said.

Almost all of the maids know Yongsun hated her father with all of her heart. That is why they didn't disturb her in her room whenever her father is around. And obey her small orders that are keeping the model away from her father's sight.

As much as they hate him, they can't erase the fact that his biological child hated him the most. So whenever they are talking to the model about him, they didn't use any formality.

"Did he tell you why?" She asks, worried about what will happen.

The maiden's smile disappeared and she sadly lower her head. "No, milady," she calmly said.

Yongsun understand so she smiled, hoping that it's a positive thing. "It's fine, tell him I'll be in a minute, I'll just change into proper clothing," she smiled and close the door.

Well, she does need to change her clothes. Because she's only wearing her baggy sleeveless and her panties on. So she changes into her comfy shirt and sweat pants.

She sighs before she wears her sleepers and exited the room. Her mind is going wild, thinking of why she needs to meet her on this beautiful day with beautiful weather.

When she arrived in front of her father's study, a sigh left her mouth to calm herself before she knocked. 

"Come in!" The manly voice said.

She opens the door and she was quite surprised to see that her father's study is cleaned. Well because most of the time, there is paper all over the floor and wine or alcohol on every table.

"Look who's here," the man sarcastically giggles when the model closes the door behind.

Yongsun just rolled her eyes at her father's words. "What do you want?" She coldly said as she looked at the book on her father's shelves, distracting herself.

"Have you read the article?" The man said and tapped his fingers on the table.

Yongsun's feet are somehow nailed on where she was standing. She put the book back as she face her father. "What article?" She frowned. Nervousness is welcoming her with the question and her father's face.

The middle-aged man took his tablet and give it to Yongsun. While the model grabbed it with curiosity. "That article," he clenched his jaw.

Yongsun read every part of the article, while her heart is not helping her to be calm in this state. When she arrived at the end of the article, her instinct was right. She's right that there will be an article about the time she, Hyejin, and Gabriela went to the park.

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