Chap. 40

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Just a normal day for the busy hybrids to work on their papers and planning. But not today, today seems like their day off from the days they keep their eyes open and keep on reading and complying with the ideas they have. Though their plan is not yet confirmed because they still need Mr. Moon's words about it.

Wheein went home earlier so she can look for her daughter. Knowing that she's on a day off, she thinks that this can be a good day to spend and take a rest or even play with her daughter.

While the other hybrid decided to stay in the villa where they usually stay. Seulgi is sleeping on top of the bunk beds while Hyejin is at the kitchen cooking for herself and the other. However, the two younger hybrids are cuddling in the other room. Well nor actually cuddling though, Lisa is hugging the chipmunk's tail while Chaeyoung is lying on the bed stomach first.

Everything in the villa is silent not until the door opened with a Namjoon that looks so happy. He instantly walk towards the kitchen where Hyejin was.

Kim Namjoon is also a loin like Hyejin and their new recruit because he's under Mr. Moon's work and care just like the other. But the difference is he's an engineer. With that, he handles the building they will be trespassing for evidence and research as well. And he's doing a great job on doing his work because they never get caught as long as they keep everything clean and never left a trace behind. He knows where CCTVs are located, especially where they could exit and enter without the guards knowing. 

"Why?" Hyejin asks sarcastically as she covers the pot with a lid.

"Nothing I just want to have your cooking," he then slowly pushed Hyejin to the side just to take out the lit and smell the sweet aroma.

"Yah! Don't you dare adding more something on it!" The lioness pulled the lion's tail when she can't peek anymore.

Namjoon didn't care and kept on sniffing the aroma. But when the lioness pinches his tale, he instantly put the lid back as he holds his tale in pain with a daring eye towards the lioness.

"Hmm..." They heard a hum before they even threw punches in the air. "Wake everyone so they can have lunch when the food is ready," Mr. Moon utters as he walks towards the table and seat on the center chair and the two lions nod their heads.

"I'll wake them," Hyejin said and sign Namjoon to set the table.


After lunch, everything was great, Lisa and Seulgi are playing games, while Chaeyoung is having snacks while looking at Lisa's screen. Hyejin is closing her eyes, tempting herself from sleeping though she needed it.

"Everyone, office," said Namjoon who just came from the office to report and make the others take their rest.

"Again~" Lisa whines, their game is not yet finished but they need to do what Mr. Moon said.

There are no words the hybrids could utter. All they could do is to be useful for Mr. Moon with their ideas and the strength they can provide. As they made their way towards the office door, some yawned while some are whining, especially Lisa who wanted to continue the game.

When the door opened, the middle-aged man is already sitting at the table as he signs that hybrid where to seat. The hybrids seat on their respective sits before Namjoon closes the door behind.

"I heard you guys are planning on kidnapping him?" Those are the first words that came out of his mouth when the hybrids are settled.

"Yes," Seulgi said respectfully. "But we still need permission from you to do so," she added.

"We already know where and when we could do it but it is still not sure of an action," Lisa then started to speak.


"We did know his schedule," Cheayoung said. "He'll be in a black market by the next day and we know that he might be buying a hybrid again," she clenched her fist.

No one in the room wanted this hybrid selling things. But it is still going up until today, mostly for the nobles and riches in the land.

"And there's when we wanted to kidnap him," Namjoon said.

"But why?" Mr. Moon asks them. He doesn't understand their plan of them kidnapping the ruler.

"To stop and let his daughter lead..?" Seulgi shrugged her shoulder. In fact, she's the one who thought about the plan but didn't know her reason.

"Don't you think that his men will be your enemy though they are already," Hyejin started to speak her mind. "They will raid the place where you might put them. Plus they have big ass guns, and they are more members but how many are we? Around ten?" She added.

The others just nod at the fact that Hyejin's words make sense. And the plan is now easily move to trash that fast. 

"So..?" Lisa started to speak, fading the uncomfortable silence. "What do we do now?" She curiously asks the other.

The middle-aged man sighs, thinking of how they could talk to the ruler. Knowing himself that her brother won't talk to him because of the hatred between them.

"I heard that he's planning on reaching out to us," Namjoon said.

"Oh yeah, I know about that too," Chaeyoung claps her hands. "So we don't have to do our plans? He will do it for us then? I mean the reaching out thingy?"

"Probably," Seulgi said and Hyejin only nod.

"So no more plans?" Lisa asks, clearing the words.

"Well, we could still think of a plan and stick with it. If he approached then that's a good thing but we have to be careful," Mr. Moon said and the other sighed in relief making him laugh. "That's all, for now, you guys can go back sleeping," he smiled seeing the hybrids' ears fall from tiredness.

"Thank goodness!~" Namjoon whines as they left the room and proceed to their respective rooms.

"Hyejin," the middle aged-man called, leaving the lioness behind. "Are you still spying on her?"

"Yes," the lioness simply answer.

"Good, take a rest first before you update me," with that, Hyejin leaves the room as she bows and sleeps in the room.

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