based on lies

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Hi, I'm Cat, well I'm sure that's my name, I'm sitting here on the porch reading from this black leather book.

Date: Monday 15th June 2014

This women came up to me, she said she's my mum, well she does fit the description of "mum" in this book.

"Cat, I'm going to remind you again, the doctors said you need to carry on taking your medicine, or your memory loss is going to become even worse, your loosing your memory each day, I want you to become better. Princess take your medicine, so I can have my Cat back"

'Okay, mum.'

'Wait, mum I just read that I suffer from memory loss, it says here that you told me it will get better.'

'Honey, yes, um'. (Sobs).'Don't cry, look it also says here, that there's a 50% chance of me making it this year, 50% is good right?'

'Dear, I'm sure it does, I have to go inside now, okay?' (Runs inside crying)

Opens black leather book and reads through yesterday's diary

Tuesday 15th June 2014

Me and this guy called Danny went to the park yesterday, his eyes are a crystal blue color, they remind me of the dress I am wearing today. He tells me about what we did the other day, I can't remember. He said how I fell off the swing yesterday, I can't remember. But I carry on acting like I REMEMBER. He told me he's always going to be there for me, but most of all he told me he liked me today.

As I smile to myself, I hear a voice that I've never heard before. The voice was manly and husky.

When I turn around I see a man, who looks incredibly good looking, I can't help but stare at this stranger.

'Hello kitty, it's me. Why do you always give me that look every time you see me, you act like I'm a complete stranger greeting you'.

I look down at my book and I realize who it is, but unfortunately I can't remember even talking to this guy, but it says in this book,

act like you know him.

'...Um, hello, .....Dad'

(he bursts out laughing) his laugh sounded so comforting i wanted him to carry on, but unfortunately he stopped, instead his face was left with an confused expression on his face.

'Omg cat, funny, do I even look like your dad?!, oh by the way you look gorgeous today by the way, still matching my eyes, huh?'

As he kisses my cheek I jump back in shock, this feeling is extremely unfamiliar, but I go along with it anyway, and I plaster a smile across my face.

'Your smile, makes my day, I'm so glad to have met such an amazing girl like you'.

These words felt like a knife jabbing at my back, don't get me wrong, what he said was cute, but i wont be that amazing, once he finds out i only remember him for a day.

'Thank you..Danny, are we going to go to the park today?'

'No, kitten were going to go somewhere else tomorrow, i want to make you the happiest girl in the world, i will come with my car at around 2:00 tomorrow,

I'll come and pick you up, don't take too much time dressing up, because you're always going to be beautiful, no-matter what you wear'.

I can feel my cheeks blush a dark shade of red, it feels as though i have known this guy my whole life, but unfortunately its as though i just met him today, but i cant tell him this, he might get scared and go away,

then in reality i will have no-one to come everyday and see me and no-one to call me princess, yes, ill just leave it like that... i wont tell him. A little lie won't hurt would it?

'Earth to cat, we are on planet earth..I REPEAT...' 'Omg sorry Dan, i must have zoned out'

'Someone just got a little happy, when i complimented them, well its true, you're beautiful'.

I slapped his hand playfully, this guy is sure good at flirting, i hope i am the only one he flirts with, even though there are millions of healthy and pretty girls at school i am still hoping i am the only one, well it does say in my diary that he likes me.

'Are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten i see'

'Omg, bye Dan' i hug him and walk off, i think i am starting to like this guy. I open my diary and i start to write everything that happened.


I remember someone calling me that the other day, that's weird.

When I'm finished writing in my diary, I go inside. Unusually the back door is left hung open as if somebody charged in and the front windows were all smashed, glass was everywhere.

Okay.. then i carried on going upstairs, everywhere was awkwardly silent.

The silent was starting to bug me now, 'Mum!', No reply. Maybe they went outside i thought to my self. Then all of a sudden i heard whispering from the other side.

As i walked there i heard the sound of my name, and the curiosity got the better of me, i ran quietly, down the dark corridor, and pressed my ear onto the thick wooden door.

'We have no choice, even the doctors said we should do it, shes going to go through more pain living, ill pay you a lot, just make it quick, don' t let her scream, i don't want the neighbors hearing, they will call the cops, i am going to phone her dad after the scene and tell him she killed herself, and hopefully ill get money out of it too, by social services'.

My heart felt like someone just squished it and threw it into a washing machine, is this what i am to mum, just a toy worth breaking? tears begin to roll down my face.

I looked down and saw a bad, this must be the 'visitors' bag. Going through it i found a pistol. My hands are now trembling, now this is what they were going to use to kill me, i begin to sob, uncontrollably. The whispering suddenly stopped, and out walked my evil, two-faced and selfish mum. I couldn't even bring my eyes to look up at her. All i felt was betrayal. The guy next to her looked angry. Angry at the fact i was holding his gun, why the hell was he getting angry for?!

My anger began to bubble inside me, i forced myself to look up at my mum.

'Cat darling, its not what it seems we were, umm.. talking about the dog, yes the dog, he is too ill to live'.

'SHUT UP, we don't even have a dog!', i was shocked, how did i know that?

Mums face went white and all that was on her face was guilt, she looked shocked at the fact my memory was beginning to come back.

'Is this what a mum is?!, if this is what a mum is, i would rather have no mum, because a bitch like you, does not deserve to even be living'

With that i pulled the trigger twice, a few seconds of silence haunted me, all i saw was blood, i couldn't believe what i just did.


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