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Harry's pov**

As I picked her up I noticed the tears steaming out of her beautiful eyes.

I couldn't help feeling angry at the person who caused this.

'Hello, love what happened?'

Cats pov**

When I looked up again for the second time I looked into the eyes of none other than, Harry styles.

How the flip didn't I realise?

He's one of them celebs that only care about themselves.

He wouldn't really care about me, I mean look at me,

I look like a dirty and ugly girl, but maybe he would?

I decided to see his reaction, which will probably be disgusted anyway.

'My names cat, and I've been at the hospital because of my memory loss, I've finally got it back...my boyfriend he..he cheated on me'

I couldn't help it I burst into a fresh flood of tears and I felt embarrassed at myself that I had to cry in front of  such a hot guy such as Harry styles.

His face showed deep concern and he looked as if he was about to cry himself.

'Love come with me, the bastard wasn't worth it,

who would cheat on a beautiful young lady like you?!'

I felt so relieved, this guy truly cares, but I don't want to fall in the trap again, Dan was my world, But he just crushed it down.

Harry's pov**

I held her hand and walked with her until I reached my car, she probably won't trust me yet, but I need to take care of her, it's my duty to since nobody else is.

I wonder where her parents are.

As soon as we reached the car I felt her let go of my hand and take a step back.

'Cat I need you to trust me, I'll take care of you, promise. You'll have nobody to go to'.

Then I realised why she let go of my hand because when I turned around there was a bunch of my fans around her.

'Harry is this your new girlfriend?'

'Your going to take care of her, Harry you know this girl killed her mum?!'

My face turned pale when I turned towards her, her face looked at me with guilt in her eyes.

I felt instantly angry at myself for causing this emotion to inflict in her eyes.

'You know what cat, you wouldn't be capable of doing something like that I see it in you, there must of been a reason for you to do something like that, because
I've made many mistakes in my life but I've learnt to live through with it and ignore the people that put you down because of it'.

She somewhat looked relieved at my statement which I guess makes sense because people must have given her a hard time with this whole mum business forget that she looks like she's had a hard life.

But I'm not one to judge.

'Oh Harry, what you said is so true, can you smile for the camera?'

One of the blonde headed bimbos pushed cat towards me.

I then realised that cat is so inspiring, even though she hasn't spoken much her actions show how amazing she is that even though she's gone through so much she's learnt to stand through it all.

I needed someone like this to walk into my life, why god works in mysterious ways.

I then wrapped my hands around her waist and she seemed to settle down underneath my touch.

I'm glad I made her so comfortable.

We both gave the camera a smile and without being seen we ran into the car laughing at the fans looking confused and drive off.

Wow, what a great laugh. I can fall in love with that alone, but I want her.

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