Beautiful? Babe your more than that.

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Cats pov***

The car journey was really nice, Harry, spoke to me asking me about my self.

But he never got too personal which I was extremely great-full for.

We pulled up to this enormous house, it was extremely magnificent. I couldn't help but stand and admire the amazing house,

If this is how it looks on the outside I wonder how the inside looks.

Harry placed his hands in mines so that our fingers intermingled with each other.

I felt the amazing sparks which felt extremely beautiful. He then pulled me towards his house and he opened the door.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat the inside was absolutely gorgous.

'Harry everything about this house is absolutely gorgeous!'.

'Everything about you is absolutely gorgeous'

My heart began to accelerate and I couldn't help feeling happy that a person like Harry,

who probably always have pretty girls around him all the time, finds me gorgeous.

'Do you mean that?, because the last time someone said that, I guess he didn't mean it, because he found a hell lot of other girls gorgeous too'

He then looked at me with shock and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes

'Don't listen to whoever that bastard said because girl you don't know your beautiful' he then smiled and winked at me laughing

'Beautiful?, babe your more than that'.

'Harry, do you think Dan loved me?' It was as though what I said utterly shocked Harry.

'Dan?!' Daniel reed?'

'What you know him?'

Cats pov***

'Yeah the bastard, I told him to stop messing about with the ladies,

cat he's a friend of mine well an ex friend if this is how he treats people, then he's no friend of mine'.

'Yeah, I thought he loved me, I didn't mean for the incident with my mum to happen, she planned to kill me,
so I thought he understood and was always going to be there for me'.

'Oh, I didn't know, I'm sorry'

'Its fine you didn't judge me when you first heard of it so I guess I forgive you'.

'How could somebody do that for the past few days Dan has been bringing girls into my spare room I never thought he had a girlfriend,

I'm sorry cat I just needed to let you know, he's not a friend he lied to me as well'.

That's when I felt the tears coming back, I tried to fight them back by closing my eyes but it didn't seem to work out.

Harry realising reached out and pulled me into his chest.

He then traced small circles in the back of my neck, this straight away eased my discomfort and I felt myself drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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