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**Dan p.o.v**

As we walked out hand in hand outside the hospital I realised what this girl is really worth.

she's going through a tough time right now it's up to me and only me to make sure she's safe and im going to do everything I can to make sure she stays safe.

Because I Love her and she's loves me.

**cats p.o.v**

As we walked in comfortable silence I looked up at Dan.

He was drop dead Georgous. I must of been pretty blind not to see this before.

His eyes were so beautiful I think any girl would die for them eyes just to glance at them.

His black hair was messy but he still managed to pull of the sexy look. He smiled.

Oh my god!

His smile is amazing it's like a actual smile and not fake at all he seemed overall happy.

'Dan what are we going to do now' 

he seemed taken aback by my sudden announcement.

'Oh babe, we will eat now I'm sure your starving, love'

'Yeah I am actually, you know my favourite?'

'Cheese and onion pasty with pasta on the side' he laughed

and I couldn't be more happier than being the cause of it.

As we reached the house I realised how rich he must be but I tried to remember and it all came back to me this is my house ad the one I killed my mother in.

Dan looked at me with concern deep into his eyes.

'it's okay babe, you can come to mines if you want, you don't have to if you don't want to.'

'No honey I want to'

As we walked in I felt slightly awkward would Dan avoid me I am a killer he might get freaked out.

It was as though he read my mind.

'Cat, I know you feel a bit weird, angry and upset at the same time but I just want to let you know that I know it isn't your fault because she's to blame she's not a mother after I heard what she did to you because I think she's a bitch too, I'm sorry I know it's your mother and all but that can't settle since she tried to kill you my love'.

I felt happy I was still angry at my mum and glad that Dan was at my side. I looked up at him and got rid of the empty space that was between us by coming close to him. I then focused on his lips, they looked really kissable right now. It was as though he read my mind again because before I knew it Dan connected our lips, the spark that I felt shooted pleasure through my body. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip pleading for entrance and I granted him the permission by opening my mouth, our tongues battled for dominance trying to take over each other until  we both pulled away breathing heavily.

'I love you Dan'
'I love you more my love'.
'Not possible'

He laughed,

there it is again that laugh that makes my heart ache from happiness.

When we walked in I noticed the window smashed and it brought instant memories to flash up in my mind and I started to cry.

'Babe!' Dan picked me up bridal style and brought me up to my bedroom. He must know this house well.

As he layed me down he comforted me telling me that everything is alright and everything will be clean the next time I go down.

He left me in the room to make me my food. I pecked him on the cheek to let him know how grateful I am.

*dans p.o.v**

When I walked downstairs I couldn't help but blame myself. Why the fuck didn't I just take her to my house, but I couldn't be honest with my self because I know that she might bump into one of the chicks that's are sleeping over at mines.

I got the phone and waited till one of the bitches picked up,

'Heeeeeeey' I heard one of them slur. Great she's drunk.

'Hey Samantha babe can you just leave my house'

'Dan is that you?! I need you now Dan I've been waiting don't think you can fucking leave me after one day!'

**cats p.o.v**

I was on my own when I heard Dan talking. Who's he talking to I swore I heard him say Samantha, who is this whore?

I couldn't help my self I tip toed downstairs and pressed my ear to the door the last time I pressed my ear to the door the outcome wasn't good.

'Babe I love you I told you that didn't i?'

'It was as though someone just stabbed a huge knife into my heart and twisted it. What the fuck?!'

I could feel tears streaming down my face as I twisted the door knob and flung it open.

There I saw him the bastard.

'How the fuck could you mess with my feelings like that, like nothing'

Shock was all over his face his face paled and his eyes lost the glistening look to it instead it was filled with pure guilt.


'Dont babe me, I'm sure Samantha is the babe around here!'

'Hear me out, cat!'

I looked at him and there was guilt plastered to his face I couldn't help but stare at his beauty.

What the hell am i saying about this two timing bastard. I cursed myself under my breath.

I got taken aback as he rushed towards me and grabbed my hands, he placed them on his chest and said

'Samantha is my ex girlfriend I guess she came back for more and I let her'

I looked at him with hatred how can my feelings towards one guy change in one moment?

'Get the fuck away from me!'

as I shoved my hands out of his I ran out the front door with years of tears streaming down my eyes.

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