Where am I?

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I ran out of the house screaming, I don't know what to do, my heart is racing 100 miles per minute.. As I ran my vision began to get blurry and my head seemed like it was going to explode. Then all I saw was darkness.

I woke up feeling nauseous, my head was spinning like crazy, and I tried to process where I was. A guy walked in with a book in his hand and he looked at me with sympathy. It feels like I've seen this guy before but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

 What's wrong with me I can't remember anything! I began to get scared when this stranger become to come close to me, who does he think he is?

 'What the hell do you think you're doing?!,

 I suggest you tell me WHERE I am and WHO you are within the next 5 seconds before..' he cut me off while pointing at something in his book, fear began to flow through me as I read the familiar writing,

My mum reminds me everyday about my disease, I don't think it is that bad, if I write everything down I'm sure I'll be okay and I will be okay remembering things

I read the words in shock, what is this some kind of prank, that's when my head began to hurt and all I can see in my mind is my mum hugging me and telling me it's okay, but then something cut through that and all I could think about is my mum saying something bad about me, 

and then all I hear is 2 gunshots and silence. 

That's when I realize the reality, I looked back at they guy and he reached out to hug me, I accepted his hug by reaching out to him and burying my head into his warm,comforting chest while I let my tears get the better of me.

My headache began to pound as a group of memories began to pound in my brain, my high school crush all the way to me killing my mum. 

I felt dizzy and didn't know what to do so I did the only smart thing a girl can do, I screamed.

 It was as though World War Two broke out all I saw was a rush of doctors run in and all I could hear was a beeping noise which was becoming impossibly loud. 

I can hear my boyfriend to the side looking at me with horror and but most of all worry.

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