Chapter 8: Violet's Investigation

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A/N - that's the mask at the top

Violet's POV

*I was having a cigarette outside when a smell a large hint of blood and gunpowder as I look towards the smell as I see Troy returning just before the morning lights is visible*

Violet: "Go take a shower you smell as if you fought against people while using guns and based on the fact you're still here clearly they weren't accurate with their shots."

*He just waved me off and sends me a message via scroll as he walks inside*

Troy: 'planned on it. Make sure to hide your cigarettes as Brim will have a fit.'

Violet: "Planned on it."

*I continue my smoke as I look at the news mostly for the weather at the moment and become interested in the headline*

Warehouse massacre?

*I start reading the article*

In the abandoned Warehouse in Downtown the address of 352 west street, 37362. Authorities say that it was reported that a few hours before they were called that there was a mass shooting of what appeared to be a war causing many residents to fear for their life causing a great delay in the cops being called until the war had long ended as soon as the investigation team opened the door it seems multiple of them winced at the sight as it seems to have been a massacre of a well known Gang called 'Red Fist' that had multiple ties in the vanishing of multiple families of faunus according to what we were told it seems to have been true as there were many corpses of female faunus in a cage several recent deaths but the disappearance of the gang's leader is causing a great disturbance with Authorities especially of the once who are Faunus.

*I grit my Teeth as I begin searching the web for a picture or video of anything about that night and only see messages of people saying it had to be the white fang while some were saying it had to have been a betrayal some saying it was a sting operation while sprinkled throughout there was some people saying that it screamed of the call sign of the Gang Reaper?*

Who the fuck is the Gang Reaper?

*I look into the term for a rough idea and it seems that not much is known about it other then the fact that once it shows up a gang is completely destroyed before the end of the night while the Leader goes missing*

I'll ask some people from the rougher side of the spectrum

*I start heading back inside after hiding my cigarettes as I get into the dorm having my things needed for the trip already as Kalani seems to be packing as Alex seems to be doing a flight of a thousand bees trying to pack for the trip.Troy is at the table reading while drinking a Grimm... white and red can huh. He really doesn't seem concerned about packing anything I look back at my scroll after laying on my bed as I look through my contacts of hackers and pick one closer to west street*

Violet: 'Hey what do you know about the Gang Repear?'

Hacker: 'Not much honestly speaking it's a pain in the ass to get decent information about him.'

Violet: 'What about the camera feed of last night's shoot out at the warehouse?'

Hacker: 'Feed from the inside of the building from 12:00a to 1:30a is missing not even as if normally deleted seems to have been almost done professionally hell I could barely get footage from the entrance of the reaper.'

Violet: 'What time did they enter?'

Hacker: '11:58p'

Violet: 'Can I get a copy?'

Hacker: 'Gonna cost extra not even including outside feed.'

Violet: 'What's the outside feed got?'

Hacker: 'Quite a lot actually but nothing got their face in it but it does show Gang leader.'

Violet: 'Send both I'll pay the price.'

Hacker: 'Consider it sent and payment received.'

*I get the videos in two files as I pull up the first video and watch it and in the two minutes of the video it started off angering as I see the faunus in a corner being violated until there is a gun bang in the background and immediately when the camera switches to the entrance all that is seen is a person in a mask aiming the gun and shooting the camera out as yelling is heard for a few moments before the audio is also cut off as I think for a moment and I rub my temples with earbuds in my ears to avoid being looked at as I pull up the second video and looked it it's a ten minute video as I start to watch the video it seems normal as well until I see three figures no for one is being carried by the masked figure as the shadows of who there carrying is blocking a good visual of them and following the masked figure are two female faunus covered with a long coat as they go off camera it switches to another camera switches to a parking lot as the masked figure grabs s set of keys off the person they are carrying as they then open a truck and place the person there carrying onto the roof tying them down up their as the figure motions for both of the female faunus to get in without audio as they nod and get in the truck and I only see the back of the head of the figure as it goes into its pocket and pulls out a dagger and then flips around and throws it to the camera as the video ends as I start to rub my temples more*

Well it seems the Reaper got a hold of Gang leader but what the fuck was that mask it seems they knew the camera location I need to get a clearer picture of the masked figure

*I text the hacker again with a screenshot of when the masked figure was in frame with light shining on them almost when the dagger was thrown*

Violet: 'Anyway to get a zoom in on this frame?'

Hacker: 'Simple enough.'

Violet: 'Message me when the picture is ready to be seen.'

Hacker: 'Give me a few moments.'

*I look around the room again it seems Troy left the table and went to the bathroom*

Why were only two faunus saved?

*I look at my scroll when it vibrates and it's the picture so I open and the zoomed in picture shows quite a creepily cool mask and it seems the reaper is a faunus but it's hard to say which one as they had an arm in the way of the feature but it seems they are holding in a way to avoid hitting themselves the color of their hair seems to be white but there isn't a way to see their face or eyes because of the mask*

White haired faunus I want to say that's rare but both the female faunus are white haired. And the masked one might be a guy but that's not saying much either.

*I groan mentally*

There's no time for more research at the moment.

A/N - I think I am getting faster.


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