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"Hermione! I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

Ron tumbled over the back of the couch as he tried to chase Hermione around the common room.

"Well, that's your problem, Ronald. Now, I've got a date and you and your sister have been tormenting me since breakfast. I'm going out for the night and that's final."

Ron sighed as Hermione left the common room. Ginny sighed from the staircase she'd tumbled down in an attempt to follow Hermione. "Hey, Ron, can I borrow five galleons?"



"Wow," Theo murmured as soon as Hermione stepped through the portrait door. "You look terrible."

Hermione scowled at him. "I haven't exactly been out shopping for the latest and greatest, you know."

"Unacceptable," Theo said, looping his arm around Hermione's and pulling her down the corridor. "You'll be coming back here only after we've bought you a new wardrobe."

"Oh, really? And whose money are we going to use, exactly?"

"Mine. Duh. Three galleons says I can make you look hot again by the end of tonight."

Hermione scoffed. "And to think, I wore this dress especially for you."

Theo glanced at the dress Hermione wore, a vibrant red one with a slightly puffy skirt down to her knees. "Meh. It's cute. Very teenage. However, I know for a fact that it probably belonged to one of your friends or a Weasel. The French Weasel, perhaps?"

"Stop calling them Weasels," Hermione scolded lightly, slapping Theo's arm. "And be quiet, we're not allowed to leave Hogwarts this late."

"You're just breaking all the rules tonight, aren't you?"

"Shut up or I'll make you."

"Yes, ma'am."


Hermione weakly protested when Theo used her headband to blindfold her once they had reached Hogsmeade.

"My money, my treat, my surprise. Now, walk. WATCH THE STEP!"

Hermione scowled as she nearly faceplanted the floor. "I ought to hex you for that."

"Yeah, but have you really got the guts? I take that back. You can't hex me, I took it back immediately."

Hermione's scowl turned to a fond smile. "You're every bit as cute as I recall."

"I am not cute!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, love."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, love," Theo mimicked in a high voice. He faked a belch. "You disgust me, Granger."

"Oh, I'd be surprised if I didn't!"

Theo smiled as he helped Hermione navigate the winding streets of Hogsmeade. "I've missed you, Hermione."

Of all the Slytherins she spoke to, Theo was the one to use her name most often. But even then, he only ever did it when he was incredibly hurt or afraid. Hermione's heart clenched as she thought about just how much she'd hurt him by even asking him to forget her. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he said, his cheery attitude audible in his voice. "I've got you back, now, and I'm never letting you go again. You're like the little sister I never wanted."

"That's gross. You've kissed me."

"Yeah, once and never again. Before we built this new relationship. And this doesn't count. This isn't a date. This is a scam that we're using to get you out into the real world again."

Death by Granger [rewritten version]Where stories live. Discover now