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"Tell the truth," Hermione said. "Why'd you want me to come out here with you?"

Draco shrugged. "I miss you. Is that a crime?"

"You miss me? Lizard, I'm right here. I'm even going with you boys to Hogsmeade tomorrow."

Draco snapped his gaze to Hermione so fast, anyone watching would've thought he'd given himself whiplash. "How dare—"

As Hermione laughed, Draco couldn't bring himself to be mad at her for the outrageous nickname. He did wish she'd truly forgotten about it, but to see her smile made everything else matter so much less. He'd probably take it out on Theo later, for providing Hermione with the nickname about two years ago.

But he still wasn't happy enough to smile himself. "That's different," he said, pausing for Hermione to stop her own laughter. "I miss you."

Hermione sighed, the last trickles of her amusement fading away. "Things were different, then. We can't go back there."

"Why not? What's stopping you? Is it your friends? Weasley? Oh, Merlin, you've fallen in love with the ugliest Weasel of them all! And now we'll never spend time with you again!"

"Okay, first of all, Ron is hardly ugly. Second of all, no, I'm not in love with anyone. And thirdly, what makes you think I'll stop hanging out with my boys if I start dating someone?"

"Then what is it?" Draco asked, his own teasing tone having vanished.

"As hard as I try, there is nothing I can do that will make them fully trust you or Blaise or Theo."

"Why are you trying to choose between them and us? We're every bit your friends as they are — and we're not making you choose."

"I wouldn't make you choose either."

Hermione and Draco both jumped and looked up, the former letting out a short scream, when Ginny spoke from one of the branches above.

"Ginny!" Hermione shouted, her voice a tad panicked. "It's late! What are you doing here?"

"I followed you, of course. I wanted to see what was so special about Malfoy that you'd break the all-sacred school rules."

"How long have you been in there?" Draco asked as Ginny jumped down.

"Only a few seconds. I intended to just march out here but then I figured why not scare you a little bit? It's the least I can do after you stole my friend away from me."

"I didn't steal her away," Draco said, rolling his eyes.

"Ginny," Hermione said, "it's late. You should be sleeping."

"So should you. Anyway, Malfoy's right. You shouldn't have to choose between us and them. We're not — at least, I'm not making you choose. I just wish you'd spent some of your alone time with me, too."

"Say, Weasley," Draco said slowly.

"No," Hermione said.

"If Granger won't spend time with anyone else and you want to spend time with her—"


"Why don't you come with us tomorrow? I know you're not too fond of our lot, but Zabini is friendly and Nott needs new friends. The best part is, Granger doesn't have anywhere better to be!"


"Yes!" Ginny shouted over Hermione. "Sounds fun! We'd better not tell Harry or Ron, though. They might blow a gasket each."

"I cannot believe you two are ignoring me."

Draco waved at Ginny. "Great, see you tomorrow afternoon."

Death by Granger [rewritten version]Where stories live. Discover now