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Though Ginny had said that she would try her hardest to stop things from changing, Hermione could feel the distance between them growing. She found solace in the fact that while Ginny drifted away from her, she grew closer to Theo and Blaise and Draco — and even Ella. Perhaps, when the time came, those friends would be Hermione and Ginny's bridge to repairing their friendship.

In the meantime, Hermione found herself in Luna's company. She still didn't know what a Nargle was and truth be told, she still didn't care. But she did sit and listen to Luna talk about them.

On this particular Tuesday, less than a week from Halloween, Luna was telling Hermione all about how Nargles were the reason she and Neville had decided to remain friends. Hermione did not mention that she'd had no idea they'd tried to be anything more than that.

"I've been thinking, though," Luna said slowly, "what if I attended the party with someone unexpected? Say, Draco Malfoy?"

"Party?" Hermione asked. "What party?"

"Didn't Theodore tell you? The Slytherins are throwing a Halloween party. Something about trying to mend bridges between houses. Most of us are going and there'll be an after party for the older students once the littles have gone to bed."

Hermione gasped. "I owe the bastard five galleons! I'd completely forgotten about the bet!"

Luna smiled. "Well, you have a week to get a costume and a date."

"Oh, I've got the date covered. One of boys will fill in for the night. It's the costume I'm worried about. Say, you were talking about someone unexpected earlier . . . I've got two friends who are single and possibly looking to mingle."

"Oh, you're a darling, Hermione, but I've no interest in dating Ron."

Hermione frowned. "What's wrong with Ron? Anyway, no! I meant my Slytherin friends."

"Oh! Well, perhaps you could introduce us after supper tonight. You haven't got much homework, though, have you?"

Hermione shook her head. Almost as soon as she'd done that. Her eyes widened. "My Potions essay!"

Luna tilted her head. "Oh, dear. I suppose you'll have to work on that after dinner. No matter, there's a time and place for everything. I've got an Astronomy theory class now, but perhaps I'll see you later?"

Hermione nodded. She had a Potions essay due the next day that she had to begin — and a Slytherin to fight with.


"You!" Hermione shouted, storming across the square. 

"Me?" Theo asked, half rising from his seat on the bench.

Hermione grabbed his collar with both hands and glared. "How did you do it?"

"Woah, easy, Books," Blaise said. "Who shat in your cornflakes?"

"Who'd you bribe, Nott?"

"What are you talking about?" Theo cried.

"The Halloween party!"

"Ohh!" Theo gave Hermione a cheeky grin. "I told you, my cute face works on everyone. Our teachers are very much not exempt."

Hermione let go of Theo, dropping him back on the bench. "I don't have a costume, you prat."

"You could always go as a Death Eater."

It was then that Hermione noticed Ginny and whipped her head towards her. "How long have you been sitting here?"

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