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They waited in the living room, anxious. They had no quick way back to Hogwarts. Any form of transport would take hours at minimum and there was no way to apparate. Even to fly on broomsticks or as Death Eaters (there was only Blaise among them) would take too long. Floo Powder was out of the question. Narcissa didn't have any, and fireplaces to Hogwarts were blocked. Theo had said he'd follow once he got Hermione and Draco. All they could do was wait.

Ginny and Pansy were pacing opposite each other. Narcissa was still trying to wrap her head around what Blaise was quietly explaining to her. Ron — and Luna, whom the former wasn't certain how she had gotten there — offered Ella some comfort.

The telltale crack of someone apprating shocked them all into movement. The sight they were met with jerked everyone into actions. Draco was bruised and beaten up, Hermione was barely concious and Theo curled up on the floor, the glint of a knife visible in the light of the large chandeliers Malfoy Manor held.

Pansy helped Hermione stand and apparated out with her first. Narcissa and Luna went with Draco. Blaise helped Ron with Theo. Ginny apparated with Ella.

St Mungo's Healers were very busy that night, and the hospital grew very crowded when the rest of the Weasley family filed in. Ginny had made everyone swear to be quiet about Hermione's Death Eater status, before they notified Molly — not that anyone really needed any telling. They reluctantly told Molly it was Harry when she pressed for information.

They sat, all of them, waiting for news. Half an hour passed, and Draco stumbled towards them. Ron and Pansy helped him down into the chair between them.

"How are the bruises?" Pansy asked.

When no reply was given she blew at her hair in annoyance."I'm not flirting with you or anything. I'm simply asking how you're feeling. An answer would be nice."

When Draco cracked a smile, Pansy grinned as well. "See? That wasn't so bad."

One of the nurses interrupted them. "She's hallucinating. Screaming about the Dark Lord returning and killing people. She's throwing curses and jinxes in her sleep."

All earlier drowsyness and dizziness was gone as Draco jumped and somehow managed to make his way to Hermione's room. He avoided the Killing Curse by mere inches. He grabbed her wrist. "Honeybee, it's me."

Hermione stopped throwing charms and curses. Draco sat down on the chair next to her bed and traced small circles over her wrist with his thumb.

Hermione began mumbling incoherently, but Draco caught a few words. "Dark Lord ... coming back ... Voldemort ... big asshole..."

Draco actually laughed and noticed Hermione smile. "Funny, Granger. I know you're awake now."

Hermione's eyelids fluttered open. "Well, you're a sight to see first thing."

"I know. I'm dazzling, aren't I?"

Hermione smirked. "Hardly. Half your face looks like you were in a catfight. "

Draco grinned. "Not looking so good yourself, Honeybee."

Hermione sat up and took in the damage she had caused. "I did all that in my sleep?"

Draco nodded and looked around. Holes in the walls and ceiling, one in the window, burn marks along the floor and walls, and Hermione's bedsheets sporting their own burn marks. "Looks like you also set yourself on fire in your sleep."

"Ugh. How're you doing?" Hermione lightly poked one particular bruise on Draco's cheek.

"By now, I'm almost immune to pain. I'm doing okay, I guess."

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