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The weeks went by without much of any events. Slowly, largely due to no one wanting to talk about it, people forgot about Hermione's episode at the Black Lake. The sight of Hermione surrounded by Slytherins had become a very ordinary and even natural thing. If a student saw Hermione without at least one Slytherin — unless she was with Ginny — they would catch themselves wondering if everything was okay.

The Christmas ball was steadily approaching and neither Hermione nor Ginny had found themselves a date. Blaise, however, had run into Luna one afternoon and Luna had asked him to the Christmas ball without so much as a 'how do you do'. He'd been too stunned to say anything other than yes then, but by the time he'd told the story to the rest of them, he'd relaxed enough to decide that he did want to go with Luna after all.

"Why don't you all just go with each other?" Blaise asked one lazy afternoon in the Slytherin common room.

Ron, who had started spending time with them a tad more often, scowled. "Oh, it's all well and good for Hermione and Ginny, but what about me?"

"I could take you both," Theo joked, though his slightly serious expression did not help. "Imagine being the one person in all of history to date not one, but two Weasleys — in one go!"

Ron glared at him. "I'm dateless and desperate. Don't make jokes like that."

"Why don't you and Potter go together?" Draco suggested. "You're both dateless and desperate."

"No, I actually think he's asked Pansy Parkinson, though I can't fathom why either of them would want to be around each other."

"Ew," Ginny said. "I mean, I knew Pansy was weird but I didn't know she had bad taste."

Hermione hid a laugh behind her hand.

"I wonder if there's anyone who doesn't have a date and wants one just for the night," Ron said slowly.

"Millie doesn't have a date," Hermione said, "and she's not looking for a relationship or anything, she'd just prefer to walk in with someone than alone. You could ask her — then neither of you will be dateless or desperate."

"That's a lovely idea," Theo said. He leaned back on the couch and shouted, "Mills!"

Millicent's voice came up as a distant yell from the dorms downstairs. "Yeah?"

"We found a date for you!"


"This is the worst way in history to ask someone out," Ron declared.

"Oh, there are worse ways," Theo said, sounding like he'd been on both ends of a bad way before.

Millicent bounced up the steps and dropped onto the couch beside Theo. "So? Who is it?"

"Dateless and desperate over here," Theo said, gesturing to Ron.

Millicent rolled her eyes at Theo. "I told you I'm not in the market for boys right now."

"Fine, then you take Ginger and I'll take Ron."

"Wait, what?" Ron said.

Millicent leaned in front of Theo to look at Ginny. "Your boyfriend is weird."

"We're not quite together," Ginny said, "and I don't mind being your date for the night."

"Wait!" Ron shouted. "Isn't anyone gonna ask me what I want?"

"You're dateless and desperate," Draco said. "Beggars can't be choosers."

"Hey, that's not — hmpf."

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