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Halloween, 1996

Near the Black Lake edge, stood a tree as large as it was tall. There wasn't anything special about the tree itself, but to Hermione, it was her place, and show found it for the first time tonight.

Near midnight of Halloween, she'd crept from her dorm and snuck outside despite her logical judgment telling her it was a bad idea. She wandered near the castle aimlessly until she spotted the tree.

Something about the tree drew her closer, and she walked towards it without even realising. There was someone there. Logic told her to turn around and head back, but she kept walking until she could finally make out the figure beneath the tree.

His blond hair seemed to glow in the moonlight. Hermione frowned as she saw him cast a familiar mask on the ground and shrug off the long black robe. Before he sat down at the foot of the tree, Hermione saw him kick the robe and mask in frustration.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she recognised it as the masks the Death Eaters wore.

Draco looked up sharply. "Oh, it's you," he muttered angrily.

Hermione didn't respond to it. Instead she gestured to the black puddle on the ground. "Nice costume," she said dryly, "But wasn't that Parkinson's costume last year?"

Draco frowned at her before he remembered the annual party the Slytherins threw. They'd dress up as Death Eaters, rabid werewolves, and any other kind of things that scared little kids and they'd scare the First Years at any point possible during Halloween. It was Halloween, he realised. He shook his head, choosing to ignore her.

Hermione frowned. Usually she'd have received an insult by now, or the threat of Lucius hearing of the occurrence. "Are you all right?" she asked before she thought.

Draco glanced at her before standing. "What's it to you?"

Hermione shrugged, pulling her robes even tighter and folding her arms, as if that may shield her from the world and the cold. "Curiosity," she stated.

Draco sneered at her. "You have a death wish. Why don't you just run back up to the Gryffindor Tower and stay up late with Potter and Weasley? Why are you even out here anyway?"

"What's it to you?" She mimicked his earlier tone.

Draco smirked. "Come on, Granger. I know you're smarter than that. At least be original."

Hermione frowned up at Draco. "What are you doing out here?" She glanced at his thin shirt. "It's cold," she added, glancing at the pile on the grass.

Draco tilted his head very slightly. He followed her gaze and bent to pick up the items. "Duty called."

Hermione tucked her hair behind her ear before hiding her hands in her sleeves again. "Couldn't sleep. It sounds silly now that I say it out loud, but it's almost like the tree was. . ." Hermione paused and stared up at the canopy of leaves.

"Like it was inviting you down here to think," Draco said softly, finding the black cloak very interesting.

Hermione turned back to the boy in front of her with something of surprise across her face. She nodded, them glanced down at his hands. "Do you want some help?" she blurted.

Draco narrowed his eyes at her. "Do you really think I want your filthy hands on my things?"

Hermione shrugged. She didn't have the energy to deal with him. She'd spent far too much of her anger on other things to last a lifetime. She was done getting upset over things that were said to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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