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When Monday morning came, Ginny knocked on Hermione's door to wake her up before she ended up missing classes — it wasn't like Hermione to sleep in this late.

Eventually, when Hermione didn't respond, Ginny pushed the door open. She walked over the the curtains between Hermione and Parvati's empty bed.

"Wake up, sleepy head," Ginny said loudly as she pulled the curtain open.

Hermione whined incomprehensibly and pulled her covers up. "I'm too hungover for this," she complained.

"Too hungover . . . Hermione Granger, we're you and your boys drinking on a Sunday night?"

"Just me and Blaise," Hermione said from under her covers. "We were talking about the war and it got later than we planned. But he's probably got that hangover cure potion with him. Say, would you mind getting me a dose from him?"

"Hermione, you've got fifteen minutes before classes start. You need to get up."

"No, I need to go back to sleep. Shhh, you're hurting my head."

"Hermione, come on. Get up and let's get you some breakfast. How does that sound?"

Hermione wanted to indulge Ginny — this was the first time in a while that Ginny had come into Hermione's room with no questions and was looking out for her — but Hermione wanted to go back to sleep even more.

"Good night, Ginny."

"Fine. I'll see if I can find Blaise today but you better be awake by the time I get back. I'll tell people you're feeling sick, okay?"

"Thank you."

Ginny decided to skip her first class. Flitwick didn't take attendance and she wouldn't be missed. She crept into Hermione's first class, knowing that Slughorn didn't take attendance either, and slid into the empty seat beside Draco.

"Hermione's hungover," she whispered.


Ginny turned to the table behind her and held out her hand in front of Blaise. "Hermione says you've got some hangover cure."

Blaise nodded and handed over a vial. "I planned to give it to her after our morning classes, but you can take it after this Potions class."

Ginny nodded and pocketed the vial. "Does anyone know who Hermione was on Halloween? She hid away for most of yesterday."

All three of them shook their heads.

Draco smirked. "Pansy's upset because she was hoping to find out today."

"Hey," Ginny said slowly. "What will Pansy do when she finds out who it was dressed up as you?"

Draco shrugged. "Nothing drastic, I hope."


Pansy was fuming. She wanted to know who it was that had stolen Draco away from her. She didn't have anything against a Slytherin or another pureblooded witch, but signs were pointing to Hermione Granger and Pansy did not like that. She didn't know what sort of spells Hermione might've cast on herself but she was certain it was Hermione. Anyone but Hermione could've been better. Pansy hated Hermione.

So when Pansy walked into her last class on Tuesday and caught sight of the blonde choppy-haired student in Slytherin sharing a bench with Draco, she began to fume even harder. She made a beeline for Theo, but Ron slid into the seat beside him and flashed her an obviously fake apologetic smile. She briefly wondered what had happened to Harry.

Pansy sat down beside Blaise, who was glaring daggers at Ron.

"Who's that with Draco?" she asked instantly.

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