Oh What Happen...

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                                              **** WARNING. TALKS AND ACTS OF MURDER***

I found remember leaving Bash in my room one day before meeting with the boys. When I came back he was gone. I trusted Bash to leave him here alone, but something tells me I should look around. 

I did a search in my room to see anything missing. My pink stuff cat was missing, but I found it in my last dresser. I found out my necklace was missing. I throw things around looking of it. I was a gift from my mom, and I really liked it.

My mom came into my room, and looked around still standing at the door.

"What happened here?"
"why don't you talk to us anymore?"
"I don't know. Mom. I just, I feel like. I don't know. I just want to sleep. I need to sleep. Can we talk in the morning?"
"Samantha, we are talking to tonight. Right now. I need you to know your father and I are taking a break. From each other."
"Ok. I need that. Dad told me, okay. Can I sleep now?"

"Fine. Where's the um ... Necklace I gave you."
"I don't know. I can look for it later."
"WHY DID YOU LOSE IT!" She yelled me 
"What? I didn't lost it, someone.... I misplaced it. I will find your stupid necklace."
"God you are a b-"
"A what? A bitch? Oh I know. I been called worse than that, Mother."
"Yeah like what? You think you are so important, but you ain't."
"I been called worse like your daughter. You hate me, and I am starting to hate you. I heard you. You and dad that day."
"I know I'm a failure, I'm not important. I'm always everyone second choice. I know. I know. I know."

"Your are right."
"I've never loved you"
She lift her hand up, almost connecting it to my face but I lend back just in time.
"What are you doing?"
"Righting a wrong" she said as she tried to hit me again, missing again. She grabs a knife, and run towards me.
"Mom. Stop" I cry. Begging her to stop.why me, why this?

"I need you to stop fighting. I don't want to make a mess" she say cutting my arm. Don't to deep, but enough to make me scream out
"Mommy please. Stop" I cry, pushing myself off the floor. I run upstairs. Rule #1 never run upstairs. On the stairs she grabs my leg, pulling me down.
"I'm righting a wrong. I need to finish what I started years ago"
"Years ago?" Than my mind went back to when I was 4 and I almost drown.
"Stop moving bitch" she yells in my face before I kicked her off me to the side. I run back downstairs, heading to the door.

"Wait!" He yelled after me.
"I need you to tell my father.that everything is okay. And that I'm staying with you tonight."
"Sammy, what happened?"
"My mom tried to kill me. Now tell him. And also tell him I'm going straight to sleep. That I love him."
"Where are you going?"
"To Bash house. I need to talk to him."
"Wait, sam-'
"Please. Just tell him."

"You knew. You knew, and you didn't tell. How could you?" I run into his room, crying
"What are you talking about?" He said hiding something
"You knew about my mother. And  you didn't tell me. That's why you take my necklace." I said still crying pointing to his pocket
"Okay. I knew something. What happened. Are you okay?" I said grabbing my arms
"My mom just tried to kill me, so yeah I am fine."
"Wait? Come sit down."

This chapter is short.

Next chapter:The Truth About the Truth
Chapter after that: Tell Me something

I write chapter ahead of time, idk why. I will try to make the next one longer. 

623 words*

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