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Dear Samantha, 

I can not wait to see again over the break. We had so much fun last time. I have everything ready for you. I can not wait to hear all about Beacon Hills. See you soon

                                                                                                                                    ~ Love your best pal Mary

Everything or nothing. But in the middle but not at the end. A chapter is not all we have we have a book. A book filled with pages, and scenes. Scenes we relive in our heads, over and over again. We live and we learn. We see, we heard. We watch and we do. Nothing is giving up, and everything is a Fairytale. The middle is the end dream. You can see, heard and learn from the middle. You only have what you get. You get and you give. You give hate or love nothing in the middle. The only thing you learn is how to watch life go on. You live with fear or you live to face your fear. You can walk towards it and do the fear, or you can stand back and let the fear run over you. You want to live, but you don't want to fail. You only fail when you give up, so don't give up? You live with the things you have and the choices you make. You want sunshine, not darkness. The darkness is familiar,but outdated.

Live life while you can as long as you can.

The last day of sophomore year. yay. This year has been crazy. People following me,best friend a werewolf, me getting clawed by my best friend, mom leaving,having to take pills every morning, getting a boyfriend, and peter coming back to live. Wow, my life, happy,sad,makes me angry, but mostly great because of these two idots. Scott and Stiles best friends since childhood. They are dumb, goofy, silly, but mostly there. Whenever I need them. They are my best friends. And I want to be with them. I want to be here. Seeing them sad so I can cheer them up. Mad so I can calm them down. Smile knowing I help them be happy. These past weeks, have been hard, but we made it though because we have each other. Three kids fighting to save the world. It's a lot to carry. A lot of pain, and hurt, but we got this. We just need to let each other in. I need to let them in. Watching them now. Stiles throwing balls at Scott like the beinning of the school year. Scott using his werewolf power even after Stiles told him not too. I can't tell them I'm dying. Not yet. Now, we have fun. I have a feeling the fun won't last.

Life is a game, you play to win. Death is a reward, you got to the finish line.  Everything in between is levels. Somethings come and go other teach you stuff. Heartbreak teach some to watch out for signs, it teaches other how to be heartless. Death upon a person teach them people come and on so hold on while you can for as long as you can. I life I learned 'the harder you hold on the more they go. I tried holding to things, places, more inportantly people. they all leave they all go. 

I am running down the hall, saw a room went inside just to see a dead body. Blond hair, face blank. I run out just to be met with big snake hissing at me. It jump at only for me to fall back into a tub. A cold one. Ice cold. I jumped out in a gasp I heard a voice in a far away room. While walking towards it I fall into a hole, can't move noticing I'm tied up to a chair. "Are you ready" the voice said clearly. A faceless man slowly walked up to me, as I screamed for help. Noone came he shot me with needle and I was met with darkness. I woke up in Bash bed with blood all around me. "Why, Why, Why" A male voice said I run out the room only to be met with a arrow in my back. "You should had stay away" The female voice said to me, about to shoot another arrow

I followed your direction, did everything you asked. I hope you makes you happy, cause there is just no turning back

"Why run away when you can fight? Why hide when you can shine? Why do anything when you can do nothing? You have love and love and lost. Why do you keep loving?"
"Because, I haven't met the one yet."
"Weird way of going with life, to bad you won't be alive to met them"

"What are you doing over break?" Scott asked me
"Oh. Me and dad are leaving. Going to New York for a bit." I said back
"That sounds nice." Scott said
"It's awesome actually. I love new york."

And with that, i am all packed, and ready to go. I stopped by Lydia house first.
"Hey bitch." Lydia said
"Hey Lyds."
"Ready to get going."
"Hell yeah. I just wanted to give you this."
"Why? What is this?"
"It's my love, Hon. Because I love you. And it's also a three way bracelet. Me,you, and Ally. Best Friends Forever. You have Best, because you are the best. I have friends, because it's hard for me to make them. And Ally has forever, because our love is for forever." I said taking out the bracelet and putting it on Lyds
"That is so sweet S. I am going to miss you so much." Lydia said 
"What about me?" Allison said walking in Lydia room
"Ally." Lydia said in a happy voice
"Of course you too." I said pulling her into a hug
"Nice speech by the way." Lyds said
"Why, thank you. Ugh I have to go now." I said pulling away
"Yeah, me too. Ally said touching her cheek
"Group hug." I said pulling us all in

After group hug, we sad our good- byes, and me and Ally left.
New York, here I come.

Dear lover, 
       I have missed you for as long as I could. I hope I made you happy, because I'm coming back. After break, it's me and you again. Just the old times. I hope you get this letter before you come to New York. I miss you, and I can't wait to see you. I already have everything I  need for school. So, I'll see you there                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                          forever yours, The apple of your eye

On the plane my dad and I sat in different spaces. I sat next a guy. Light brown eyes, dark brown hair, 2 rings on his right hand, and 1 ring on his left. We talked for a long time

His name is Nik. He's 17. A year older than me. Birthday June 21th. Favorite color grey. Visiting his cousin in New York.

When I see you, I see the sun, the stars, and everything prefect. I want you. I want everything about you, I see your smile and I want to keep it on your face. I see your happyness, and I try my best to keep it on your life. Everything about everything is perfct, great amazing but I just want you. Nothing else matters.

Sorry this is way short. I really want to write my book. I know I misspell words. I will go back and change them when I feel like it.

1283 words

I know the story line is everywhere.

See y'all in the next book. 

If you have questions ask me please >>>>>>>>>>>>

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