So anyways......

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I woke up the next day 15 minutes before Stiles, I got into the shower, got dress, and put on my butterfly necklace. Stiles woke up after I put my necklace on. 

"Good morning' Stiles said rubbing his neck
"Morning" I said walking out my closet
"Hey we gotta stop by my house so I can pick up some clothes. "

We went to Stiles house, so he can change. Then we went to school.

"Hey Lyds wait up." I yelled to Lydia
"hey we need to-." I cut Stiles from talking by walking away. 

I went to the side to text my dad. Scott and Stiles walked away and talked.School was so long today. I was daydreaming,and thinking. Why would I even have sex with him? I knew he didn't like me. Why would I do that to myself?

"Hey sammy" Lydia said pulling me with her. 

Lydia and I have been besties since she first moved here. Which was in the 3rd grade. Every since then, we have been the best of best friends. I love her, and I'm like the only one who can handle her.

"Hey did you heard me?" Jackson said touching my hand, making me jump
"Huh? Yeah. Yes I did." Not looking at him in his eyes, still looking down
"Really? What did I say?" he said searching my face, putting is hand over mines
"You said something ..... with .... words. okay fine. I wasn't listening' I said while jackson was still looking at my face
"I know. I said why do you keep daydreaming? What wrong?" He said looking like he actually wanting to know 
"Nothing. I'm just bored." shurgging, finally looking at him, moving my hand
"Really? Are you sure?" He looked down at my hand
"Yes. I am. Why do you even care?" packing my stuff up, while Jackson watching me
"Because I care about you." Jackson say grabbing my arm so I can't leave
"I know Jackie. I care about you too. I just... need some peace. Some time to myself. Sorry" I say to him as the bell rand, and I left

By my locker, I saw Issac. 
"Hey dude." I said walking up to him
"Oh hi, Samantha." in a low voice, looking down
"No one calls me that." I said smiling due to like fact I like how he say my name. So low, almost child-like
"Teachers do. "    

          Ugh them

"Well, me friends call me Sam, or Sammy."Making him smile, then I notice a black mark around his right eye 

"Hey dude, are you okay?" touching his arm
"Oh yeah. I into a fight. As you can see I lost." moving the arm I touched to touch his right eye
"Issac. You can tell what actually happen. You know that right?"
"Yeah, I do. I actually have to go. Studying. Quiz tomorrow."
"Okay. See you later. Be safe. I guess"


                       AT STILES HOUSE

"Look. This is what I found."
Stiles handed me like 20 papers about werewolf
"Okay. Wow. You actually think that Scott is a werewolf? Stiles that crazy."

Scott walked in making me and Stiles stop talking The moment Stiles said 'Your a werewolf' I stopped listening.  I had saw Issac today, he had a black eye. He didn't tell me what happened, so I didn't beg him to. I started listening to the  guys again

"Your urge to kill." Stiles said.
"I already have the urge to kill, and I'm looking at him" Scott say. I never heard that voice before. It's kind of scary
Yup I should had never came over here. Why did I come over here?
"Okay. Just to make sure. I'm calling Allison, telling her you can't make." I said getting up, and grabbing Scott's phone

"NO" Then Scott pushed  me against the wall, rising his fist. 
I keep looking at him in his eyes. 'Would he hit me?'
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said letting me go, turning around
"It's okay, Scott." I said, trying to not show how scared I am right now
He hit the chair, then walked out

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