The rave ep like 6

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"The two of you brought tickets so close to it closing, so shut up and go inside." I say to Scott and Stiles
"Well, not all of us have someone to buy a ticket for us, you know."
"Yeah, because no one likes you, dumbass."
"Why are you so mean Sammy?"
"Shut up and go in."

Before I could follow my friend into the loft  a voice stopped

"You're dying. Ain't you?" Issac said stopping behind me. I can hear the pain in his voice.
Shit, how does he know? He went looking in stuff?
"Yea. Yes, I am." I said not turning around, and him not moving.
"Why didn't tell you tell anyone. Scoot, Dereke. Someone can help you. I can't lose you. I need you Sam. I need you." His voice creaking, like he just found out, and was the first person he told this too. He  still behind me. Not moving. Frozen
"We have been friends for 2 years. And I love you. Believe it, or not but you are one of my best friends. And I am okay with that fact." It was the true. I love him, and when I said that he knew what I was talking about
"You are okay with dying?" Touching my shoulder, wanting me to turn around. But I can't.
 I just can't.
"Yes. I am." I said trying not to cry, turning the ring around my finger that Lydia give me 
"You can't be. No one is okay with dying." He said finally getting in front of me
"I am." looking him in the eyes
"Bur,I need you." I can hear the pain in his voice, and see tears trying to come out his eyes
"No, you don't. You need to find love in yourself." Touching his left side of his face
"You can't really be okay with dying." I close my eyes, and take a deep breanthe.                                   oh boy, you have no idea
"I made peace with dying, before I even  found out I was dying. Don't tell anyone. I don't know how much time I have left, and I want to have fun."
We looked at each other for a while then he take a deep breanthe and said "Okay." He said in a low voice, with tears in his eyes, falling down his face
"Thank you." I said rubbing his arm, and giving him a small smile.
"Why not tell Scott though?" still in a low voice. Whipping his tears.
"Because, I don't want him to blame himself." I said touching his face whipping his tears, and then  walking off

I have done it. I have finally told someone about me dying. Or he found out about it. Anyways. I don't know how much time  I got left. All I know is life is short, I want to have fun. Help my friends, and look hot doing it. 

I kinda ditch Matt. Oh well. I didn't like him anyways.

"Here Samantha."  Deaton said walking over to me giving me new bottle of pills"It will only work for a while."
"How long is a while?" i said taking the bottle
"6 months. give or take."
"Wow. That was very clear. " I said smiling at my own joke "Thank you. Thank you very much."
"Are you going to tell any one?"
"I already told Issac. I'm not telling any one else."
"May I ask why not?"
"Things will change. I don't want anything to change. I just want to have fun, save the world and look good doing  it."  I said smiling looking at him "I have to go. Thank you again."

                                                        THE NEXT DAY

"Do you feel okay?"    Issac said running up to me
"I feel fine. Deaton helped me. I'm okay."    I said at my locker 
"Okay. That's good."    pulling his notebook out my locker, before closing it
"Will you try and kill Lydia?"    I started walking to my next class with Issac walking next to me
"Try? If she is going around killing people we will kill her."   He said laughing in a duh tone
"She is my best friend. I know her better than anyone. If you try and kill her, I will hurt you"  I stopped grab him so he can stop to. And looked at him in his face, before walking off again
"Yeah right, you love me too much to hurt me."    He yelled after me
"Yeah, right"   I yelled back, still walking

"Happy birthday Lyds." I say walking in holding a little box with earrings I brought her
"Thank you. The gifts goes over there." Lyds say pointing 
"Okay." walking over to the table

I walked around waiting for my friends to come. i saw Scott, and Stiles talking

"-Because everytime the guy thinks he didn't do anything wrong he did something wrong." Stiles say standing up, while Scott was sitting
"He is not wrong" I say walking up to them
"I didn't do anything, so I'm not saying sorry."
"Buddy is this you, or the full moon talking?"
"The full moon. Why do you care."
I stopped listening looking around for Jackson, but I heard Stiles say
"-to stab myself in the eye." Stiles says.        What the hell, are you talking about?
"Don't stab yourself." I say touching his arm
"Why?" he say looking at me
"Because Jackass just walked in." I say pointing at Jackson

My dear Mary,

Thank you for sending a book to me, even though I can not read it. I still love the thought. I can't wait to see you over the break that's coming. I miss you so much. And I have so much to tell you. I want you to have everything ready for our sleepover. I can't wait, time is taking forever. 

                                                                                                                                            ~ Love your sweetie Sammy

I sent my friend Mary a letter. I can't wait for school break to come. YAY!

I kinda feel like you won't get this. If anyone have any questions let me know.

I can't believe I am halfway done with season 2 already. I can't wait for season 3 honestly. I hope you liked this book as much as I has. I kinda have fun writing it, but sometimes, I hate writing. 

Issac found out the Sam is dying, I don't know if that is good, or bad. I have finally wrote Bash in a chapter. His storyline gets better later on. I swear.

next chapter: the mut
Chapter after next:Happy Birthday lyds

1038 words

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