Trap In The School Part 2

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"I want you to live" I heard a voice say in distance

"I want you to live" That same voice said. Sounds like it's walking.

I felt a hand shake me. " Wake up" A hear a female voice say. Than she slaps me
"The one time I really need you. You won't wake up" the female voice said slapping me again

"You need to come to me. I can help. Samantha, wake up." The female voice said 
"She is out . What happened to her?" A male voice said 
"The mark is getting stronger." The female voice said
"How much stronger?" The male said
"Her blood is turning black."
"Well, that is not good."
"I know. And her being here is not helping. She needs to wake up."
"How do we wake her up."
"No clue."
"I could do a spell."
Slap her?"
"Throw water on her."
"No. She needs to wake up fast, or her blood be complete black. Samantha. Samantha. Listen to me. You need to wake up. You are in danger, Wake up."
"That is not going to work."
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Yes, I do. We- you need to hit her harder. I don't hit woman"
"Shut up."
"That's not nice."
"No. Shut up. She's moving"

Shit. curse my fingers. Moving without me telling them too.

"Samantha I know you can hear me. How long have you been woke?" The female said, sounds like she is lend back on something
"Wait? She been out cold."
"No. She been faking. You know what it don't matter. I love Samantha, but you need to wake up. So, I'm sorry"  And with that the female slappped my face so ficking hard. 

I woke in a small gasp, being carry through a door

"Wolf" I said in a low voice. I couldn't really hear myself. 
"A wolf?" A male voice said. The same one carrying me
"Werewolf" I said 
"Okay... We got her. We got her" Other male voice said grabbing me
"I think she should get checked out." The first male voice said 
"I know, and she will" The other male voice said 

                                         The Next Day

"we really need to talk" Stiles said walking up to me
"ABout how Scott locked us in a classroom? Yes we do. I'll call Scott. I can't believe he just locked us in there like that," I said pulling out my phone, and texting Scott
"No, about what happened with-" Stiles tried to say, but Lyds cutting him off
"SAm, I need you, Hurry" Lyds walked up to me and said 
"Ugh, Sorry Stiles. I'll be right back"  I said walking off, not waiting for his answer

After helping Lyds with what to suppuse Jackson with, Imade my way back to Stiles. I saw Bash by his locker. We smiled at each other. I looked up and saw Stiles with a pissedoff face. Than he started walking off, I followed behind him

"Stiles don't walk away from me. Please, you wanted to talk so talk to me." I said speed walking to catch up with him
"Not anymore." I said pulling his backpack up ore on his shoulder
"What happened? In those few minutes I walked away, what happened?"
"I remember you are not who I thought you were." He said still walking. People watching us. So I run up to him, and I pulled him into a empty classroom
"Stiles, talk to me. Please." I said closing the door
"What happened was a mistake. And it won't happened again." Putting his books down on a desk
I took my a minute to catch on to what he was saying. Than it hit me....."I know that."
"So, why do you keep following me around like a little puppy."
"I- I don't know."
"You are always doing something. Like the other day you almost told your little boyfriend that my best friend is a werewolf."
"Our-Out best friend. And I didn't, because I wasn't" looking down at my hands
"I don't trust you anymore." I said grabbing his book

He tried to walk off, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back

"I have loved you since we was in the first grade. I have watched you lie to your father about almost everything since than. We had sex. Our- My first time. And you called other girl names out. She don't even know your name. She calls you Miles, and a nerd. And you would rather have her over me? Why? Why I am second place to that. I know your name, I know your birthday, I know when you feeling down. Why don't you like me?" I talked none stopped, than finally looking up at him

"I don't love you like that. Honestly, I never did. I don't mean to hurt you like that, when we- you know. I wanted to talk, not be gulit." He said turning to walk off, than he turned back around
"It sounds like your problem began when you fell in love with me-so.... just stop loving me." He said actually walking off this time.

What happened in my life, where it keep me from finding joy. What happened to my childhood years. I miss them so much. 

Sorry, this chapter is short too.  I'm trying to make this book long. So, I might not make longer chapter any more. I think I will tho. Season 1,2, and some of is kinda slow. I can't wrote to start writing season 3b and the rest. I have so many ideas for it. 

I'm thinking about making Sam gay. I'm bi, and i want to make her bi too. I don't know what girl to get her with tho. So many hot girls, honestly.

Trap In The School is done. The next chapter will be ' No Way...'

939 words

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