3. spooked

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Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz

Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz

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"...I want that bitch found now! I want her head!..."

I patiently sat at my friend's bedside rolling a blunt that I would smoke later while he paced the floor muttering to himself like an angry fool. I am stressed, but what's new. This is the shit I signed up for when I was jumped into the gang life. I constantly had one thing after another spilling onto my plate. There was never a moment when it was free, but I never once complained.

"You done, fool?", I asked interrupting his ranting.

"¡Quiero que encuentren a esa perra, Spook!", he shouted in frustration before clutching at his bandaged head. (I want that bitch found, ..)

I regarded my friend with a bored stare. Sad Eyes has been carrying on like a Putada (bitch) every since I arrived merely an hour ago.

"¿Estás bien, tonto?", I called out to him, sparing him a glance of concern. (You alright, fool?)

"Oscar, Spooky, quiero que se encargue de esa perra", he demanded. (Oscar, Spooky, I want that bitch handled.)

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, fool. First, you need to get some clothes that actually cover your ass. That's the first thing you can do. Second-"

"It's not fucking funny! Hizo que Santos parecía débil. Ella hizo que los dos pareciéramos coños. Tiene que irse, tonta. Quiero una recompensa en su cabeza antes del final del día. Haz que los hynas la saquen si tienes que hacerlo, pero quiero que se vaya.", Sad Eyes spat interrupting me. (She made Santos look weak. She made the two of us look like pussies. She has got to go, fool. I want a bounty on her head before the end of the day. Get the hynas to take her out if you got to, but I want her gone.)

Okay. Sad Eyes is my homeboy. He is my right hand. We started this shit together. I get that he is mad, but he will not talk to me any kind of way. I am still his superior.

"Second, Tienes que recordar tu puta casa. Soy OG, tú eres mi mano derecha. Haz tu parte, tonto. Esa hina es peligrosa. Nunca deberías haberla jodido, pero eres testarudo. Tienes Ojos Tristes. Nadie te jode, ¿verdad? ¿Por qué estás tan preocupado por una perra que te entregó el culo de todos modos? ¿Estás enamorado de la hina o algo así?", I quipped. (.., you need to remember your fucking place. I'm OG, you are my right hand. Play your part, fool. That hyna is dangerous. You should have never fucked with her, but you're hardheaded. You're Sad Eyes. No-one fucks with you, right? Why are you so worried about a bitch that handed your ass to you anyways? You got a crush on the hyna or something?)

"No puede avergonzar el nombre de Santos y seguir respirando", he hissed. (She can't embarrass the Santos name and still breathe.)

I let out a humorous chuckle. "Not Santos, fool. She embarrassed you. She made you look bad", I stated.

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