4. on the block

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Gabriella 'Raven' Ramirez

'I wonder if anyone has ever told this boy how big his head isn', I thought before shifting my gaze to my other lecturer

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'I wonder if anyone has ever told this boy how big his head isn', I thought before shifting my gaze to my other lecturer.  'Or how big of a mouth that he has? He cannot have real friends in his life. Hmm, couldn't be me', I thought letting out a sigh in annoyance.

"Cesar, Jamal, I hear you. I do hear y'all, but please stay in a child's place. If the Santos want to step to me then any of them has the freedom to do so", I declared interrupting their tangent about how dangerous the Santos are and how stupid I was being for stepping to them as I had.

"You do realize that you could have been killed, right? Cesar, talk to your friend. She's crazy. I can't save her", Jamal ranted while pacing back and forth.

"I never asked to be saved, Jamal. I am fine as I am", I retorted relaxing against the stone steps I sat on.

"Cesar!?", he exclaimed dramatically.

I rolled my eyes behind the shades I wore.

"Are they always like this, Ruby?", I asked the quiet Hispanic boy.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Pretty much", he mumbled.

I hummed in acknowledgment of his words as we sat in a comfortable silence watching the other two boys arguing not so quietly amongst themselves. I sat there watching them for a moment before it occurred to me. What was I doing hanging with these children? It would be different if I was mentoring them or something along those lines. However, it was neither.

I was just some poor woman they encountered by chance who was having a breakdown outside a corner store. I would not say that they are good people. Everyone has a hidden agenda, but they pitied me. They pitied me and now they cannot seem to leave me alone. Not because they care, but because they do not want to feel responsible if something were to happen to my unstable ass.

"I'll see you around. Tell the boys I said the same", I said before standing to my feet and leaving without waiting for his response.

I was walking around minding my business. You know, usual loner things. There was a blur of green and yellow before shots rang out. I stopped walking, my ears ringing loudly as the familiar sound repeated in them. Time seemed to slow as I watched a familiar figure up ahead.

My legs moved on their own propelling my body forward. I felt the wind gliding through my hair as I ran as fast as I could towards the familiar young boy.  Another familiar face registered in my mind as a man hanging out of the window of the passenger side of a green low rider opened fire once again. I reached out towards the boy taking a chance to leap forward pushing him to the ground shielding his body with my own as much as I could with my much smaller frame.

The shots had stopped what felt like an eternity later but were only a few seconds later before the squealing of tires could be heard as the car sped off the block. I raised my head surveying the area before slowly I rose from atop the boy. I held my hand out to the shaken boy helping him up from the ground.

"Are you hurt, Cesar?", I asked the frightened boy.

He shook his head 'no'. I gave his slightly shaking frame a once over checking for bullet wounds. A sigh of relief left my mouth when I found none. Taking his hand into mine I offered him a soft reassuring smile before beginning to walk. I was not close with him, but I would make sure that he made it home safely. The boy was targeted and I would not leave him alone knowing this.

As per usual, the Diaz household was crawling with gang members. I scoffed leading Cesar through the crowd of people to the front door. I did not go inside with him as I felt that it would be crossing an unspoken line. Instead, I sent him inside after giving him a bear hug along with my number then sent him on his way. When I turned to head back down the front steps I bumped into someone.

"We need to talk", he said grabbing me by the forearm and leading me inside of the house.

I quietly allowed myself to be drug along by the gang leader. He was right after all. We needed to talk asap. He took me to a back room for more privacy. Once inside the room and the door closed, I jerked my arm free of his grasp as I whirled around to face him.

"The Prophets shot at Cesar today", I started.

A dumbstruck look crossed his face. I guess he was unaware. I scoffed.

"You call yourself a leader, but you don't even know what's going on in your turf. Your brother has a fucking target on his back and there was no one around to have his back", I sneered.

"Who the fuck are you to question me!? You're running around with underage boys. You a pedophile looking for your next victim? Stay away from my brother. I'm handling it! Mind your business", Spooky coldly quipped.

I chuckled humorlessly. "Handling it? You call having Cesar walking around unprotected handling it? You call my little ass having to do a fifty-yard dash to shield him from a spray of bullets from some hot-headed gang members during a drive-by you doing your job? Fucking spare me, Oscar. Cesar is my business now. Someone has to look out for him. Since you can't, I will. As for your pedophile comment, unlike you tired-ass baboons around here, I care. That's why I hang around them. At first, I thought it was pity on their part, but it's not. They are just kids that still hold a semblance of purity in their hearts. I want to protect that purity and keep them safe. The Santos cannot protect their own turf, least the people on said turf. Since the gang won't, I will keep those kids safe. Also, I need a drink so point me to them", I snidely spoke.

We stared one another down. Neither of our gazes wavered for a while. He was not backing down and I for damn sure was not either.

"We may not agree or like one another, but Cesar is a good kid. We have to protect him and the other annoying shits, except Ruby. Ruby is cool, but you get the point", I simply said.

He said nothing. I shook my head letting out a sigh.

"I was serious about that drink, Spooky", I wistfully added.

"You swear it?", he finally spoke after what felt like an eternity.

I raised an eyebrow in question. "Swear on what?", I asked.

"Cesar. Do you swear to protect Cesar?", he asked, face frowned up in a scowl.

"I don-"

"Protect my brother, alright? If anything hap-Just keep him safe", he spat, desperation flickering in his eyes before disappearing as soon as it appeared.

I hummed in acknowledgment of his words. "You have my word", I concur.

He nodded his head in acceptance before turning and opening the door. He paused at the threshold of the doorway.

"Drinks are outback in the cooler. Stay out of my way", and with that, he took his leave.

I followed his lead a beat afterward heading out back to grab a drink. I had no plans for the day and the drink would be a much-needed relaxant. Soon one drink turned into two and two to four. The sun had set and music was blaring from somewhere in the yard. I swayed my hips to the beat while nursing a half-empty red solo cup of alcohol.

I was dancing with an associate of the Santos' grinding my backside into his front as we danced to the fast-paced Tejano music. I could feel eyes boring into my skin. I knew who my admirer was. He has been watching me since I stepped onto the grassy substitute dancefloor. Raising my cup above my head I turned my head locking eyes with his.

Spooky sat at a table playing cards smoking a blunt watching me dance. I sent him a wink before turning, giving him my back. I could still feel his intense gaze on me, but I paid him no mind as I continued to dance with my partner. He told me to stay out of his way and that was what I was intended to do for the time being. I was merely a guest enjoying myself and I would continue doing so for the rest of the night.

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