6. gangster's claim

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Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz

"Now run that back by me again, Sad Eyes?", I questioned

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"Now run that back by me again, Sad Eyes?", I questioned.

I just knew that I had heard him wrong. I did not even know that the roles could be reversed like this. Then again, what was I expecting from the bonita perra? (pretty bitch)

She had already shown me her ass to kiss on several occasions. Gabriella had been anything but subtle when she approached me on my front porch. Not to mention the way that she had shut down Madeline when she began barking at her.

I do not know what her deal is, but Gabriella intrigues me. She is a fucking blazing inferno. Yet behind her big brown eyes hid an unspeakable coldness.

"Do you know where she lives, fool?", Sad Eyes asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"What, man?", I barked.

"You fucked, didn't you, Spook? ", he lowly asked so prying ears would not hear.

"La linda perra tiene un cōno espeluznante, amigo. Estoy hablando de vudú, tonto", I quietly confessed sending my friend into an uncontrollable bought of laughter. (The pretty bitch has some spooky pussy, homie. I'm talkin' 'bout voodoo, fool.)

"Fool, wait! Voodoo? Spooky cōno? Sounds like lil' mama fucked you, fool!", Sad Eyes cackled like a hyena.

I rolled my eyes walking away from him. I had better shit to do than stand there while he laughed at my expense. I had some personal business to handle.

"Tell the ole lady I said 'What's up, fool?', Spook!", Sad Eyes called after me chuckling.

I gave him the bird as I slid into my ride. This fool has jokes today. Wordlessly I pulled off heading over to Gabriella's spot to handle business.

Pulling up to her spot I contemplated if I should confront her or not. If I were being honest with myself, I do not mind at all. She made me curious and she had all of my attention that the Santos did not have.

"Fuck it", I mumble killing the engine then exiting my car.

There I stood in front of her front door. A sudden wave of nervousness hit me. I was about to knock, hand raised about to meet the hardwood of the door when the door was thrown open and a knife was placed to my throat.

"The fuck you want?", she spat pressing the blade of the knife harder against my skin.

I was baffled. Here we were standing in her doorway. She held a deadly gaze as she pressed the blade further into my skin.

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