Chapter 33

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"So where are you now?"

Serenity glanced out the window of the tour bus she shared with Knight and Nyle's female hair and wardrobe stylists and felt her heart leap at the image of Tristan signing autographs for a few ardent fans in the hotel parking lot. The smile on his face was genuine and welcoming and the fans ate it up. Nyle assisted with taking pictures with some of the fans' cameras and signed a few autographs of his own.

"Minneapolis," she answered.

"That's the last city for the tour, right?"


"Great! So that means you'll be coming home soon, and I can see you. I miss the hell out of you girl. And I need a break from being errand girl and adult babysitter. Stopping by your house daily is starting to cramp my style with the fellas."

Serenity dryly chuckled. "Gee, thanks a lot."

"No harm, no fowl, but it will be a relief to see you and let you go back to babysitting your mom. I can tell Leon is a little sick of it too. He won't say because he loves you guys, but I can tell. Your mother wears him out."

Serenity's mood shifted with Kara's blunt but honest words and she cut her eyes away from Tristan, rubbing her forehead. A tension headache was starting to form that quick.

"I understand. It's not easy for me either."

"So, this is it, right?" Kara eagerly asked her. "You'll be coming back home?"

Serenity heavily sighed. "Yes."

"Good. I can't wait for us to hang out. I want my friend back."

Serenity said nothing.

"So, what happens after this? You guys going your separate ways?"

Serenity flinched. She didn't like how excited Kara sounded at the thought of her and Tristan breaking up. She hated her best friend didn't approve of her relationship or her man. She wasn't going anywhere, and she was sure Tristan didn't want to either. She didn't know how things were going to work with him being overseas. She just knew they had to work it out somehow. He still hadn't said anything about their future plans; still was keeping their relationship undercover. She was okay with that for now. But she knew it wouldn't always be ideal for her.

"I'm not sure Kara," she eventually answered.

"Well, how the hell are you guys going to keep seeing each other if he's overseas and you're here?"

She had filled Kara in on the band's international tour and all the countries they'd be visiting.

"I don't know Kara!" she snapped. "I just know Tristan isn't going anywhere and neither am I. We're together and that's it. We'll work it out."

Kara got quiet and Serenity knew what that meant. Despite her being on the road all this time, Kara still had doubts about Tristan's motives. She still assumed it was all about sex. That Serenity was just a novelty to him.

"Well, if you say so," Kara grimly said.

"I'm meeting his mother today," Serenity blurted out, without thinking. She hadn't told Kara Tristan wanted her to meet his mom or that he'd told his mother about her. She hadn't known how Kara would take it or if she'd still react negatively or be suspicious. But she was feeling defensive and had a point to prove.

"You're what?" Kara asked.

"I'm meeting his mom," Serenity defiantly repeated, raising her voice. She looked around the bus to make sure none of the girls were within earshot. They weren't. Most of them were in the front of the bus, talking animatedly about their plans until the tour resumed. They still stayed away from her. A few were starting to say hello but that was as far as the conversation went.

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now