Chapter 9

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Serenity's heart twisted in her chest as she stared back out the window beside her, a grimace teasing her kiss-swollen lips. Things had been so awkward before he left. The day had gone from passionate and flirty to tense and uncomfortable. He mentioned that he'd extended the room for a few more days and she'd all but snapped at him.

"I don't want it," she said, moving away from him at the door.

He'd taken her hand and all but pulled her closer to him, rubbing her back with one hand and stroking her face with the other. Even while wanting to distance herself from him to lessen the blow, she couldn't help but press up against him and lift her head up to meet his eager lips. It had been like that all day. They'd gotten up a little after seven and he left at approximately two pm, an hour before check out.  His sound-check was supposed to be at five with the show starting at eight and he was going to be late. His manager had called repeatedly and all but cursed his ass out for not leaving when he was supposed to with the other guys.

"Who is it?" Serenity had heard his manager screaming that morning as Tristan held the phone away from his ear with a bored expression on his face and a raised eyebrow. "Is it a bitch? I know it's a bitch. I know how you roll. We don't have time for these fucking games or your greedy dick Tristan. You have a show to do. The guys are where they're supposed to be; you need to get your ass on the road right fucking now!"

Serenity had watched in astonishment as Tristan cursed his manager out and hung up the phone mid-conversation. He apologized to her but the words of his manager haunted her mind for hours. It had been on her mind when they were at the door, saying goodbye. She kissed him through her fears. Her uncertainties. Questions she was dying to ask him lingered on her lips but she didn't dare ask him. She wanted to know though. Was she just another notch on his belt? Had she imagined the look of sincere emotion in his dreamy brown eyes?

"You can stay here as long as you want," he said as he pulled away from their long, breathless kiss. "It's okay with me. You can even invite your friend to come and stay with you."

"I have a house Tristan, I don't want to stay here."

She'd tried pulling away from him again and while he didn't hold her to him, he stood close to her with his forehead and nose almost touching hers, breathing his warm breath on her mouth. "I need to go," he said.

"I know."

"I don't want you to regret last night."

She swallowed and closed her eyes, moving her head against his chin. "I don't."

"Don't listen to what Jason said. It meant a lot to me. It did. I want you to know that. Thank you for giving yourself to me. I'll never forget it. Or you."

For giving herself to him? She hadn't known how to take that.  "It meant a lot to me too," she managed.

He slightly pulled back from her and longingly looked into her eyes. "Take care."

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now