Chapter 31

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"You have got to be out of your horny, crazy ass, goddamn mind."

It was the next day and Tristan had just informed Jason and his band that Serenity was going on the road with them for a while.

They were all gathered in the greenroom of The Garden, along with Brad. The band and Jason regularly had meetings before beginning their routine soundcheck for the concert, but no one suspected Tristan was going to bring a first-time guest along with him. A guest he had every intention of keeping around for a while. To say the guys were shocked was putting it mildly. Even Nyle was taken aback. This was the one secret Tristan had managed to keep from him. But it was Jason who was showing the most outrage.

"Stupid!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the vacant walls in the room. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

The guys stood off to the side, quietly watching the scene, their curious eyes eagerly flitting from Serenity to Tristan to Jason while the argument continued.

Tristan was perched on a chair in the center of the room, looking at Jason completely blank-faced, unbothered and unapologetic.

Jason paced back and forth across the floor, shaking his head and running his fingers through his close-cropped red hair.

"I mean you've come up with some crazy ass ideas in the past," he continued, his voice heavy with exasperation. "Definitely have done your share of crazy shit. But this... this takes the mother fucking cake."

"You're blowing this out of proportion," Tristan calmly said.

Jason stopped pacing and incredulously looked at him. "Am I? What the fuck made you think that this would be okay? I mean, what universe do you live in?"

"You need to calm down." Tristan's tone had slipped from civil to steely condescension.

Serenity's ears perked up. She could smell danger in the air. And the look in Tristan's eyes... She'd seen that look before, and it unnerved her.

Her breath caught in her throat as his eyes met hers. They softened under her gaze and he gave her a beguiling smile, but when he looked back at Jason, all that warmth immediately disappeared.

"Do not take that tone with me Tristan," Jason said, placing his hands on his hips and standing in front of him. "Have you thought about the press? They're going to have a field day with this shit."

"They don't even have to know she's around- "

"Not know she's around?" Jason huffed. "What is she going to do? Make herself disappear? Are you going to hide her?" he turned his back, tsking and beginning to pace again. "And the fans... Boy. They are really going to love this shit. The man of their dreams, flaunting some no-name chick in their face. The leader of their favorite band? The sex symbol?"

"Excuse me Jase," Ricky interjected, holding up his finger. "I was under the impression that I was the sex symbol in the band."

The other guys snickered, and Tristan rolled his eyes, suppressing a smile. Nyle elbowed Ricky in the side and the two of them playfully jostled, trading insults.

"That's enough!" Jason yelled, pointing his finger at them.

They settled down and glanced over at Tristan, giving him a wink of assurance. Tristan waved his hand at them and turned his attention back to Jason.

"This is not how we do things; you understand?" he bitingly continued. "You don't get to make decisions like this without consulting me first."

"I wasn't aware that I had to consult with you."

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now