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Hey everyone. It has been a while; a long time. I know that and I want to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. So much has been going on in my life the past few months and I honestly have not been writing much of anything, let alone the Tristan series. After losing the last work I attempted with it, I just got discouraged and admittedly lazy. As I've said before, this is an extremely challenging story to write and it's not something that I just want to throw together for the sake of finishing it. This story deserves more than that, Tristan and Serenity deserve more than that, and you guys definitely do as well. As I've said repeatedly over the past few months, I  honestly can't tell you when it'll be finished or when another chapter will be published.

Life is dealing me a multitude of challenges and it is hard for me to push past them sometimes and be creative. But I know I'm not done and I know I'm not finished. I just want to thank you guys again as I always do for rocking with me all this time and for your enduring patience. It means more to me than you'll ever know...❤️

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now