Chapter 21

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Serenity startled when her cell-phone began to ring. She glanced down at her phone on the table and loudly sighed, annoyed. Kara was calling her again. She still didn't feel like talking to her but she figured she might as well go ahead and hear her out. They hadn't talked in almost a week. That was the longest they'd ever gone without talking. Besides, as much as she hated to admit it to herself, Serenity missed her. She needed her friend. She was psyched to tell her about her days with Tristan and all she had experienced since their fallout. She only hoped Kara would listen with an open mind this time and not judge her. Or him. Otherwise, she was shutting her out again.

Gripping the phone in her slippery palm, Serenity pressed the answer button and put the phone to her. "H-Hello?" she stuttered.

"You finally answering my calls now?"

Serenity crossed her legs and dangled her sandal off her foot, chewing her lip. "Hi Kara."

Kara paused at the flat tone in Serenity's voice and softly sighed. "Heh Ren."

Silence stretched between them for moments.

"What's up?" Serenity casually asked, playing with her hair.

"How have you been?"


Kara paused again. "Everything good over there? With your mom?"

Serenity inspected her nails. "They're fine."

"Is she there?"


"Do you know where she is?"

"Don't care."

Another pause. "So, what have you been up to?"

Serenity got up to put her dirty dishes in the sink. "Nothing much."

"Is this how the whole conversation is going to go Serenity?"

"Kara you called me, I didn't call you. It's not my job to have an engaging conversation with you."

"You're still mad?"

"No Kara, I'm not mad. I'm good. What do you want?"

"Come on Serenity."

"Come on Serenity, what? You basically called me a whore and stupid as fuck the last time I talked to you and you made me feel like shit. You talked to me like I was a nobody! Like we haven't been friends for most of our lives! I shared something with you that was deeply personal and scary for me and you made me feel like I had done something wrong. And even if I did, it wasn't your job to punish me or make me out to be this horrible person for doing something that felt good to me and that I enjoyed with a man who made me feel more alive than I've ever felt in 18 years! Whatever his reasons were for doing it, he made me feel good! He made me feel happy! And I don't feel bad or guilty about it and I'm not going to let you make me feel that way! So if that's why you're calling you can hang the fuck up and never call me again, because I don't need that stupid shit right now! I really don't!"

Kara was rendered into shocked silence. Serenity had gotten herself so worked up she was shaking. She ran a damp hand over her forehead and leaned back against the kitchen counter, closing her eyes in fatigue. That tongue-lashing had taken a lot out of her but it needed to be said. She wished her mother was around so she could give her a piece of her mind as well.

"I'm sorry," Kara timidly said, minutes later. "I'm sorry Serenity."

Serenity put the phone on speaker and sat it on the counter, defensively crossing her arms.

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now