°.• - Author's Note - •.°

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Just a few disclaimers before we begin the story:

I do not believe in schedules (/hj), so there will be none for this story. Removed is made solely for fun and nothing in it has been properly planned out aside from a few bullet points.

There's a good dose of RedxYellow sprinkled into this. I will notify you at the beginning of the chapter if there's any shipping in it.

This story contains blood, death, and most likely some angst as well. Again, you will be warned when the chapter starts if it contains any of the previous. Please tell me if I need to add warnings for anything else in the story.

Alan Becker's characters are stick figures with no distinctive features aside from their color, and Steve, Alex, and Herobrine are cubes. Some creative liberties have been taken to make their designs more interesting, especially in the Sticks' case. Here are the references for their designs in Removed (don't mind the bad crop for the first image):

 Here are the references for their designs in Removed (don't mind the bad crop for the first image):

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• I'm not sure how canon the Minecraft update trailers are, but in them, Steve and Alex seem to have developed a bit of character for themselves

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• I'm not sure how canon the Minecraft update trailers are, but in them, Steve and Alex seem to have developed a bit of character for themselves. I will try not to do anything too ooc for them, but I can't promise anything. In Herobrine's case, the only "canon" thing about him is his appearance, therefore, I do not apologize for portraying him however I want to (/lh). The stick figures' personalities are a bit more obvious, but there is a possibility that I may have gotten them wrong at parts of the story. I do apologize if this bothers you.

I will add more disclaimers in the future if necessary, but that is all I can think of for now. Please enjoy the story.

Removed - An Animation Vs. Minecraft AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now