Chapter 2

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Mary was currently looking over some things in her clinic when she heard someone enter it and she smiled when she saw Bruce Wayne walk into her clinic.

"Bruce, it's so good to see you." Mary said as she hugged him.

"You too cuz. This place is looking good." Bruce said and Mary smiled.

"Thanks to you of course. I still can't believe you agreed to fund this place behind my dad's back." Mary said and Bruce smiled at her.

"Mary, you forget my father was a doctor and honestly, I think if a place like this existed back then, he'd definitely be funding it. Though I will admit he didn't care about the underclass citizens of Gotham like you do." Bruce said.

"Or you. After all, haven't you started new charities for your company to help people?" Mary asked.

"Yes and one of those people I help is you. Have you had any issues with that little thing?" Bruce asked her.

"Not since our last session. The mental techniques you've been teaching me have helped. It's not out of control anymore." Mary said and Bruce smiled.

"That's good to hear." Bruce said.

"Any word from your lab on a cure for whatever the hell happened to me?" Mary asked.

"None yet. Honestly, it would be easier for my guys to figure it out if they knew what exactly it was that caused this change in the first place." Bruce said.

"But they're sure there's no way I'll end up being like the only other person either of us know of with a similar condition?" Mary asked.

"Don't worry they're sure. They compared your blood tests to those of the other victim and while it was definitely the same person who dosed both of you, it would appear that whatever is in your system is an upgraded version. The other subject was crude. However, I do think you should keep coming in for treatments every month, along with a weekly check in, so that we can be sure." Bruce said.

"I agree. After all, I've finally gotten my life together, I'm not losing it by being sent to Arkham for going on a killing spree." Mary said and Bruce smiled.

"Don't worry, you're nowhere near that. But anyways, I'm glad to see you've gotten your life together." Bruce said.

"Thanks to you." Mary said, since Bruce had saved her life. After Kate died, Mary had begun drinking and partying like crazy, which had led to her current situation in the first place. That is until Bruce stepped in and got her the help she needed, since her parents hadn't really been there for her, but Bruce had been. He'd helped her get back into medical school when she was about to flunk out and had paid for her to go to rehab and had helped her learn to control her new circumstances. Hell, it was because of him that she'd met the love of her life. Ryan Wilder. Yes, Mary was gay or at least bi, though she preferred girls. Or at least she preferred Ryan. They'd met during one of Mary's check ins with Wayne Tech's science team, since Ryan worked for Wayne as the head of it's new nonprofit and charity division. Bruce had hired her because of her background on the streets, he felt she knew what the community actually needed in that regard better than he or any other typical business type did and it proved to be a smart decision on his part, since Wayne Enterprises had definitely earned a lot more good PR ever since she took over.

"After Kate died, I made a promise to her that I'd keep an eye on you for her and I've done everything I can to keep that promise." Bruce said.

"And you have. Honestly Bruce, you've been kinder to me than either of my parents have in years. You know that ever since Kate died, dad's been throwing himself into work and mom, well, she was always kind of distant." Mary said.

"I can understand why your dad hasn't exactly been the best at being there for you. After all, he already lost Gabi and Beth, losing Kate must've sent him over the edge and if I had to guess, he's throwing himself into work to keep himself from having to deal with that pain." Bruce said, trying to force down the guilt of not being able to save his aunt or cousins. But what really concerned him was that he'd never been able to find any of their bodies.

"Maybe, but he seemed to forget that I'd lost my sister too and I needed him. Honestly, I understand now why Kate always preferred you over dad. You were there for her when she needed you. Just like you were there for me. And you're the reason I met the love of my life." Mary said.

"Yeah, honestly, when you first told me, I admit, a part of me did wonder if it was because you were trying to embody Kate completely, but now I can see that what you and Ryan have, it's real. Have you told her?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, I mean, we're living together now, I don't want there to be secrets between us." Mary said.

"Good. Take it from a guy who's never had a relationship last more than a few years, secrets lead to heartbreak." Bruce said, right as Mary's phone rang and she answered it when she saw it was her dad.

"Dad, what is it?" Mary asked.

"Kate's alive." Jacob Kane said and Mary nearly dropped her phone.

"Wait, what?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, I know, I had the same thought, but it's her. She called me from a boat that was bringing her back to dry land from an island she's apparently been stuck on for the past few years. She'll be home in a few days." Jacob said.

"Dad, are you sure it's her?" Mary asked, not wanting to let herself believe this again, only to be let down.

"I'm sure Mary. It's Kate. She's alive and she's coming home." Jacob said and Mary grinned ear to ear.

"Let me know when and where to meet you guys." Mary said.

"I will." Jacob said as she hung up.

"What was that about?" Bruce asked.

"Kate's alive and she's coming home." Mary said and Bruce grinned.

"Looks like you're gonna have competition for my favorite cousin." Bruce said and Mary actually laughed.

"Very funny. I'll let Kate have that role back. For now." Mary said.

"Well, I should get back to my office so I can clear my schedule." Bruce said.

"I'll let you know when she gets in, since I know my dad hates you." Mary said.

"Pretty sure the fact that I don't support the Crows is one of the main reasons Ryan agreed to work for me." Bruce said and Mary nodded as she watched Bruce walk out of the clinic and she got back to work with a huge grin on her face at the idea that her sister was coming home.

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