Chapter 20

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This is just because I'm curious, but after watching the trailer for Gotham Knights, does anyone else think that they should've kept Batwoman and not even considered the show Gotham Knights, since honestly, I only watched the trailer once and it was too many times, since that show looks awful. I mean honestly, what were those people thinking making the show like that. If I'm gonna watch a show about Gotham, it will be Batwoman, since at least that one was actually pretty good, or at least it was better than how Gotham knights looks. Of course, that's just my personal opinion, but from what I've seen online, it looks like a lot of people aren't looking forward to Gotham Knights, just because of how terrible it looks. Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. Also, once again, is anyone else pissed that they never revealed what happened to Bruce Wayne? I feel like that's a question that should've been answered when they announced that Batwoman was cancelled. Now on with the chapter.

Bruce wasn't even surprised when he entered his home that night to find Talia waiting for him.

"Talia." Bruce said as she actually smiled at him.

"Let's see if maybe we can finally finish our conversation. However, I was surprised that there was no sign of your faithful butler." Talia said, since there was no sign of Alfred anywhere in the house.

"He's visiting his daughter in London, after I practically insisted he take some vacation time. Honestly, sometimes I think he's devoted so much time to taking care of me that he forgets to take care of himself and I could tell he needed some time off." Bruce said.

"I guess that's where you get that from, since you have the same tendency to take on too much and never take a breather. At least until now. But there is one thing I'd still like to know." Talia said.

"And what might that be?" Bruce asked.

"Why were you so willing to hand off your cowl to your cousin? You've spent nearly two decades protecting Gotham, and the second your cousin came in and offered to take over, you did so without a second thought." Talia asked him and Bruce sighed.

"Because honestly, I'm not sure how much longer I can do this job without fully losing myself to the darkness I've been fighting for years. You know better than most what can happen if a person spends too much time in the darkness." Bruce said.

"They become lost in it." Talia said and Bruce nodded.

"And honestly, lately, I feel like I've begun to lose touch with my humanity. Whatever is left of it. I can't keep doing this. And Kate, when I look at her, I see a light that I never had. I mean, I became Batman for one reason and it wasn't to protect this city or anything as noble as what people think. I put on that symbol because I wanted vengeance for what happened to my parents. I never meant for it to become what it is now. I always told myself that once I got the person who killed my parents, then I would hang up the cowl and just go back to being Bruce Wayne. What I didn't count on was that by the time I did." Bruce said.

"The people of Gotham would come to see you as its protector and it would come under attack from threats that the police could not handle. This city needed you to be its hero." Talia said and Bruce nodded.

"But honestly, I'm not the man I once was. I can't keep doing this. But Kate, she can and honestly, I think that she will be able to inspire the people of this city better than I ever could. She may fight crime from the shadows, but I can tell that she will bring a light to Gotham that I never could." Bruce said and Talia smiled.

"Perhaps. But what about you?" Talia asked and Bruce smiled.

"I think that once I'm sure that my aunt is safe, it will be time for me to leave Gotham. The city doesn't need me anymore. As Batman or Bruce Wayne. And more importantly, I don't think I'll ever truly be able to leave Batman behind as long as I'm in the city." Bruce said and Talia nodded.

"So, you're thinking about leaving Gotham for good?" Talia said and Bruce nodded.

"Barring occasional visits, yeah." Bruce said.

"And where will you go when you do? Somewhere to settle down?" Talia asked and Bruce chuckled.

"You know me better than that Talia. More like looking for a new adventure. Though something that doesn't involve spending my nights jumping off rooftops." Bruce said.

"Really. That sounds interesting. Is that by any chance what you were doing after you disappeared in the old reality?" Talia asked with a smirk, taking Bruce aback.

"How do you know about that?" Bruce asked.

"You might be cousins with the paragon of courage, but I trained the man who restarted the universe. Oliver Queen." Talia said.

"I thought you hated him though?" Bruce asked and Talia chuckled.

"It was more that I blamed him for my father's death, but I realize now how irrational that was. He and I made amends shortly after you sent me Slabside." Talia said.

"You're not going to go after him again are you?" Bruce asked.

"No. He came to me when my memory was restored and reminded me that my father was no longer the man I once knew and he assured me that if he needed to, he would kill me and I knew he would. He's the only man I know with the skill to actually kill every member of my family if they crossed him." Talia said.

"I like him more and more already." Bruce said.

"But that explains how you know you can trust Kate to take over in your stead, for both protecting Gotham and running Wayne Enterprises. When will you tell her?" Talia asked.

"After I help her save her mother. That's one last mistake I need to atone for before I officially hand off the reigns." Bruce said.

"Well then, perhaps you would be open to my assistance. After all, the sooner this is finished, the sooner we can leave." Talia said.

"We?" Bruce asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You don't really think I'd come all the way here to make amends with you only to let you leave without me?" Talia asked.

"Are you sure? What about your students?" Bruce asked.

"I released them before I came here. You're not the only one who wants to escape the darkness of their past." Talia said and Bruce smiled.

"Okay then. I'll talk to Kate about letting you help, but I'm sure she'll be open to any assistance we can get." Bruce said and Talia nodded as they both felt relieved to have finally finished their conversation and they could feel something heal between them.

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