Chapter 15

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Is anyone else disappointed that we never got to see the sisterly bond between Kara and Kate that was clearly being set up after Oliver died take form?

Also, did anyone else hear that they're considering rebooting the DCEU? Personally, I approve of that, since the only one of those movies that I truly liked was Aquaman, though the original Justice League movie was decent.

The second Kate left Mary's hospital room, she pulled out her phone to call Luke, who while he'd wanted to be at the hospital, couldn't, simply because he and Mary hadn't met yet.

"Hey, how's Mary?" Luke asked.

"TBD. Right now she seems fine physically, though according to Alice, she's dying due to whatever the hell it was that gave her poison ivy powers." Kate said.

"Yeah, that's probably something we should keep on that downlow." Luke said.

"Yeah, I might have a fix for her, but the last thing any of us need is Vesper Fairchild getting word on this. She's already going on about the fact that Mary was saved by a Bat instead of by dad." Kate said.

"Yeah, she's being really creative about that, apparently calling you the scarlet knight." Luke said.

"I like it. A bit cheerier than the dark knight, though I will admit not quite as scary." Kate said.

"Whatever. Anyways, I'm hacking into Gotham General's database now, I'll let you know when Mary's blood work shows nothing irregular." Luke said.

"Good. And by the way, is there any chance Wayne is working on prosthetics?" Kate asked him.

"Sorry no, but you should definitely pitch that to Bruce." Luke said.

"I'm surprised he never thought about that, considering how useful it could be if one of his numerous enemies found something capable of getting past the nanotech and tearing his arm off, since that suit might be tough, but it's not Kryptonian, meaning that it can break under the right circumstances." Kate said.

"You can ask him when he gets to the hospital, he should be there soon." Luke said.

"Good. Now in the meantime, I need to make some more calls, see if I can figure something out to help Ryan." Kate said.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, Mary knows I'm Batwoman and she figured out that Bruce is Batman, so wrap your head around that." Kate said.

"And you trust her to keep that secret?" Luke asked.

"I trust that we know a martian who can erase her memory and the memories of anyone she slips up and tells, but considering she knows to keep her powers a secret, I think we can trust her with this." Kate said.

"Fair point." Luke admitted.

"I believe that Mary can be trusted. The only reason I never brought her in before was because I didn't want to put her at risk. You're one thing, you were practically born into this life like Julia, since your dad was Bruce's left hand while Alfred was his right, you knew the risks going into this. But I couldn't put Mary at risk too." Kate said.

"You're a good sister Kate. At least to Mary. Alice, you try to beat the shit out of every time you see her." Luke said and Kate chuckled.

"Like you wouldn't if you had a shot at her." Kate said.

"Fair point." Luke agreed as Kate hung up before dialing another number, this one to an island out in the Mediterranean.

"Well, this is a surprise. I did not think I'd be hearing from you again. At least not this soon." Safiyah said after she picked up.

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