Chapter 7

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"So, you work for Bruce?" Kate asked Ryan as they talked.

"Only after he bailed my ass out of jail." Ryan said.

"Wait, you were in jail?" Kate asked, wondering what kind of woman her sister was dating.

"Wrongfully convicted by your father's agents and like so many others rotting in Blackgate, only found guilty because I'm black and I'm poor. Or rather I was poor. Bruce heard about my case and I guess since he has about as much love for the Crows as I do, he pulled some strings and got me released from prison." Ryan said.

"Being rich and being a Wayne does have its advantages in this city." Kate said and Ryan nodded.

"And to think I used to resent him like all the other rich assholes in this city, but Bruce proved to me that he was different. He actually cared about Gotham, and was trying to make it better for everyone, unlike the Crows, who only help those who pay for it. There's a reason Gotham prefers Batman to the Crows." Ryan said.

"Though I hear he has been slowing down." Kate said with a chuckle.

"Well, he has been doing this for about two decades and he's not an alien, which means that he ages like a normal human, but still." Ryan said.

"Of course. But anyways, Bruce told me that he wanted to help people like me in this city but he couldn't do that since he didn't understand them, since he'd grown up in a mansion as a rich kid. He needed someone like me to help him truly help this city and I accepted, since I wanted to make sure that he actually meant what he said. And he has. He even put me in charge of Wayne Enterprise's charity division and Gotham has never been better." Ryan said and Kate smiled.

"Good to know that my sister isn't dating a criminal. But how did you and Mary meet?" Kate asked.

"Mary kind of crashed and burned after everyone thought you died. Bruce started helping her pull her life together and in the process, that led to our paths crossing. I started taking a more personal interest in her and things developed from there." Ryan said and Kate chuckled.

"Sounds about as romantic as how I met Sophie." Kate said as she looked over at Sophie.

"Yeah, I had to listen to Mary rant for a solid hour about how you're already taking Sophie back." Ryan said and Kate chuckled.

"Sorry about that. But I guess Mary felt that someone needed to be pissed at Sophie on my behalf, though you'd think that since I'm alive and I've forgiven her that Mary would let it go." Kate said.

"Why did you forgive her?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Because Ryan, I spent five years thinking that I might not ever see her again and honestly, I realized that no matter how I was at her, it wasn't worth losing her forever. Especially since I can tell that she's not the same woman who broke my heart. And I can understand why she made the choice she did, since Sophie's mom is very homophobic." Kate explained and Ryan nodded.

"That does explain a lot." Ryan said.

"I'm surprised you're so calm around my dad though." Kate said.

"Mary made me promise to be on my best behavior." Ryan said.

"Why, I'd find your yelling at my dad very entertaining." Kate said and Ryan laughed.

"Good to know. We are definitely going to be friends." Ryan said.

"How long have you and Mary been together?" Kate asked.

"About two years and we're actually living together now, even though she hadn't told her family about us yet." Ryan said and Kate chuckled.

"Still, you know I don't think she's ever had a relationship that lasted that long before?" Kate asked.

"Probably because she made the mistake of dating boys." Ryan said and Kate smiled.

"Maybe, but still, I expect to see a ring on either your finger or her's soon. I don't care which one it is." Kate said.

"Okay, let's not go crazy." Ryan said.

However, before Kate could respond, they heard the elevator ding.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" Kate asked her father.

"Not that I know of." Jacob said as he and Sophie both reached for their guns and Kate felt her heart drop as she saw Alice walk out of the elevator.

"Now honestly Commander, I'm insulted that I wasn't invited to this little get together." Alice said.

"Who are you and why would you be invited?" Jacob demanded.

"You don't recognize me? I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering how easy it was for you to forget about me and replace me." Alice said.

"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life." Jacob said and Kate immediately knew that was the wrong thing to say.

"Really, you've never seen me before? Not even on January 23, 1990, Gotham General Hospital's maternity ward?" Alice said.

"What are you talking about?" Jacob asked before Kate pretended like she was only now getting it.

"Beth, is that really you?" Kate asked as Alice turned to face her.

"Ah, Kate, I shouldn't be surprised that you recognize me, but then again, you always were the one who cared." Alice said.

"Kate, what are you talking about? Beth's dead?" Jacob said.

"You're right, Beth Kane did die, but not in that car crash like you thought. She died the day she realized that you gave up looking for her. The day you were so close to finding her again, but failed. That was the day Beth died and I became someone else. I became Alice." Alice said and Kate sighed.

"Beth, please." Kate said as Alice turned to face her sister.

"I really am sorry about this Kate, but I need to teach daddy here a lesson about what happens when he decides to forget about things he never should." Alice said as suddenly the lights went out as they heard glass shatter as Kate managed to make out several cats and rabbits entering the loft.

"Great." Kate muttered as she placed her drink down and prepared herself for the fight that was coming.

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