Chapter 24

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"So, how much longer do we need to lay low Alice? You promised us chaos and a chance to take this city back from the tyrants known as the Crows, and yet, ever since the new Bat crashed our operation a few weeks ago, we've been lying low." one of Alice's cats asked her as she sat down at the table she'd been using as a kind of desk.

"We lay low because right now there is a full out manhunt on for all of us by the Crows, the GCPD, and the Bats. We show up now, we get pinched and sent to either Blackgate or Arkham." Alice said.

"But still, how can we take down the city if we're not doing anything?" the same cat asked her.

"Relax, we're only lying low until Gotham provides everyone else with a distraction and honestly, considering that this is Gotham, I'm surprised it's taken so long. After all, Gotham City is where the worst of the worst like to play." Alice said.

"So we're hiding until someone else does something to draw everyone else's eyes off of us?" the cat said.

"Exactly." Alice said, only to be surprised when she saw vines crawl up and wrap themselves around the cat's ankles and pull him away.

"Okay, this is new." Alice said as she moved to grab a butterfly knife, right as her sister dropped down from the ceiling.

"Got to admit, this place was not as hard to find as you thought it would be." Batwoman said.

"Risky move, coming here alone while I've still got mommy locked up." Alice said.

"You really think I'm alone?" Batwoman asked as Mary appeared in the room.

"Oh Mary, nice, I like the costume, but should you really be up and about, what with your condition?" Alice asked her.

"Spoiler alert, turns out there's a cure for everything if you know where to look." Mary said as she summoned more vines to barricade the exit.

"Oh what, is this revenge for what I did to your little lover? If you really cared about her, you would've kept a closer eye on her." Alice said.

"Shut up. You might be good, but all three of us know that you're not good enough to take us both out, especially when one of us has powers." Batwoman said.

"And I'm guessing that if you came here with the intention to hurt me, I'd be wrapped up in vines right now." Alice said.

"You're right. We didn't come here to fight, we came here to talk and to negotiate." Batwoman said.

"Really, negotiate what?" Alice asked.

"A prisoner trade. Mom for Mouse." Batwoman said, much to Alice's surprise.

"You know about Mouse?" Alice asked.

"Jonathan Cartwright. Your only companion while you were being held prisoner by his delusional father. I'm offering you a chance to see him again. Especially since I know you've got to be planning on breaking him out of Arkham anyways. I'm just saving you some work." Batwoman said.

"You really expect me to believe that you'll just let him out?" Alice asked.

"I'm offering a deal that benefits us both. One that will also give you enough time to clear out of here before the Crows and the GCPD get here. Take it or leave it, last chance." Batwoman said.

"Deal, but on one condition. I get to name the time and the place." Alice said.

"Fine, as long as no one can get hurt by whatever crazy plan you'll no doubt try during the exchange." Batwoman said.

"You're learning, nice. Deal." Alice said.

"And now, just a little insurance." Mary said as she pulled Alice to look her right in the eyes, which caused her eyes to go green.

"We'll let you dictate the time and place, but you will agree to Batwoman's terms and you will bring the real Gabi Kane to the meeting. No tricks or anything else when it comes to that." Mary said as she pheremoned Alice.

"Tomorrow night, outside Arkham, 6pm sharp. I'll have mommy dearest with me and you'll have my Mouse." Alice said, her eyes glowing, indicating that Mary's mind control had worked.

"Deal. See you then. Come on, let's go." Batwoman said and Mary nodded as she let Alice go.

"Well, that was rude." Alice said.

"Can you blame us for having an insurance policy? As of right now, your sick mind is still your own, but now you don't have a choice about holding up your end of the bargain." Batwoman said.

"Fine. I guess it could be worse. As long as you keep your end, too, since I didn't see her pheremoning you." Alice said.

"That's because I'm not the one who's a sociopath." Batwoman said.

"Fair point. But anyways, get out of here before my cats and rabbits get through your little tree vines and I'm no longer outnumbered." Alice said and Batwoman nodded as Mary left.

"I hope you're ready for this, because you have to know that once mom is safe, all bets are off." Batwoman said to her sister.

"Oh trust me I know and I'm looking forward to it. Making you squirm was fun and all, but now, now I'm bored of not getting a real fight." Alice admitted, though she sounded more like a whiny child.

"Game on." Batwoman said as she proceeded to vanish as well.

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