Chapter 22

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Jacob Kane sighed tiredly as he entered his now empty penthouse, since Catherine was in prison and both Mary and Kate had found their own places. Even though she'd just come back from being on an uncharted island, one thing that remained the same about her was her desire to not live with her parents.

And while he understood that desire, that didn't change the fact that the penthouse felt lonely.

However, what really concerned him was the fact that the lights weren't turning on.

"Great, now what?" Jacob asked, right as the lights flickered on and he saw the last person he wanted to see in his home.

"Commander Kane. We need to talk." Batwoman said as Jacob aimed his gun at her.

"About what?" Jacob asked.

"A way to save your wife from Alice." Batwoman said, shocking him.

"What do you know about that?" Jacob asked.

"Enough to be able to kill two birds with one stone." Batwoman said.

"What are you talking about?" Jacob asked.

"I have sources who've given the name of a person we can use as bait to lure Alice into a trap that would not only ensure your wife's safe return, but also capture Alice." Batwoman said as Jacob actually lowered his weapon.

"You have my attention." Jacob said.

"There's one person in this city Alice might trade Gabi Kane for. The only problem is that he's locked up in Arkham." Batwoman said and Jacob sighed.

"What's his name?" Jacob asked.

"Jonathan Cartwright." Batwoman said.

"Son of a bitch. So Beth was at that farm. I swear when I find that Cartwright bastard, I'm gonna make him wish he was dead." Jacob said as he put the pieces together.

"So you know that Alice is your long lost daughter Beth Kane." Batwoman said.

"How did you know that?" Jacob demanded.

"Not much happens in this city that I don't know about." Batwoman claimed.

"What's your plan?" Jacob said.

"We make contact with Alice and offer up a prisoner exchange. Cartwright for Gabi Kane. But in reality." Batwoman said.

"We'll use it as a trap to catch her. I have to admit, that is efficient." Jacob said.

"I need your word though that you won't try to light me up too though. We both know the city would not approve of that." Batwoman said.

"It would be easier for me to make that promise if I knew who you were under that cowl." Jacob said.

"You really think that I'd tell you who I really am?" Batwoman asked and Jacob chuckled.

"That would imply I don't already." Jacob said, much to Batwoman's surprise.

"Excuse me?" Batwoman asked, wondering if he was bluffing.

"It wasn't hard to put the pieces together once I knew where to look. Kate." Jacob said with a smile, much to her surprise as Kate actually removed her cowl to face her father.

"How'd you put the pieces together?" Kate asked and Jacob chuckled.

"Well for starters, the fact that you no longer hate Batman. Then the fact that Batwoman shows up at around the same time you come back to Gotham and the fact that Batwoman seems to be going easy on Alice, need I go on?" Jacob asked and Kate sighed.

"Okay, fair point. But if you know who I am, then you know why I can't put Alice behind bars until we save mom." Kate said.

"Yeah, I figured that out." Jacob said.

"But if you know I'm Batwoman, why didn't you shut me down?" Kate asked and Jacob sighed.

"I won't lie and say I was tempted to, but then I realized that for the first time in years, Gotham actually felt hopeful. You were bringing hope to this city in a way that the Crows and I never could and Batman hasn't in awhile. And I saw just how complete you've been since you came back. I couldn't take that away from you. Besides, as much as it pains me to admit it, there's a reason that Gotham keeps those damn lights on." Jacob said and Kate laughed.

"While I know the Crows help in some way, the reason people prefer me is because the Bat protects everyone in Gotham, regardless of how rich they are. The Crows only protect the people who can afford it and before you say anything, I know that's just how business works, but I wanted to do more to help people. Besides, I can go places you can't." Kate said and Jacob nodded.

"I understand that and honestly Kate, it's my fault that Beth became Alice and your mother is her prisoner, since if I'd just listened to you in the first place instead of believing Catherine's lies, maybe we'd still have a family." Jacob said.

"But Mary wouldn't be a part of it, so I guess that is one small positive of this horrible situation." Kate said and Jacob nodded.

"But anyways, you really think this plan will work?" Jacob asked his daughter.

"I don't know, but I think it's our best shot. From what I've been able to piece together, Beth formed some kind of connection with Cartwright's son while she was his prisoner. I think that there was anyone she would consider making a trade for, it would be him." Kate said.

"Even so, how would we get word to her?" Jacob asked.

"Why don't you let word spread through the Crows about this little opportunity." Kate said.

"You think Alice has a mole in my ranks?" Jacob asked.

"It would explain how she's always able to stay a step ahead of you." Kate said, hoping to use this as an opportunity to get her father to start doing a deep dive into the Crows and help drain the swamp and reveal Dodgeson as the traitor he was.

"It would explain a lot. I guess we can try it." Jacob said as Kate put her cowl back on.

"Good. Let me know when the trap is set." Batwoman said.

"I will. And Kate, I'm so proud of you. Something I never thought I'd say to someone wearing that symbol." Jacob said and Batwoman grinned at him before she made a dramatic exit.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, since honestly, it always surprised me that Jacob could never figure out that his own daughter was Batwoman without someone else telling him. After all, he was commander of the crows for a reason.

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