Chapter 8

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“Ashley. You might wanna fix that.” Andy laughed pointing at my robe which had untied itself. Revealing my erection through my boxers. I quickly jumped off Amber, and ran to my room with Jake, Jinxx, Andy, CC and Amber on the floor holding their sides laughing in pain.

Chapter 8:

-Amber POV-

Ashley was so cute, he tickle attacked me, and he was so embarrassed when everyone noticed his boner. Honestly, when I told him to stop tickling me, I really wanted him to keep on going. Not that it felt good. Just that he was so close to me and that made me feel happy. I know I like him a lot, and I also know that what I felt for CC before just wasn’t exactly how I feel towards Ash. So I did what I thought I could do best. Try to get him in a non creepy way. I went to his room, and knocked on the bunk room door., 

“Who is it?” Ashley’s voice rang from the room. He was the only one not in the main room with the rest of the guys.

“It’s me.” I replied.

“Me who?” He said with a smartarse tone of voice. He knew who I was, but was just messing around with my mind.

“Amber you shitbrick.” I joked.

“I don’t know anyone named ‘Amber you shitbrick’” He said once again with a smartarse tone in his voice.

“Fine. Don’t let your friend in then. Hmmph. I’m telling on you!!!” I yelled at him like a kid. Arms crossed over my chest. I heard footsteps. 1, 2, 3... I knew it’d work!!! He was at the door in only his black silk boxers.

“What is it bebs?” He asked with a smile. 

“I wanna come in. Let’s just... Mess around a bit. The other guys are probably asleep now anyway.” I said matter-of-factly.

“You know, ‘mess around a bit’ sounds really dirty to me.” He smirked. Oh shit! That wasn’t what I meant.

“I didn’t mean it in that kind of way.” I whined.

“I know I know. You’re too innocent to mean it like that.” He said as though he knew everything. Ahh but he didn’t know enough about how ‘innocent’ I was.

“I’m not that innocent Ash. So can I come in?” I brought up the question.

“Yeah sure babe.” He said stepping aside for me to enter. I walked in and he shut the door. I ran and jumped into his bunk and got a good smell of his intoxicating black cologne. My god it was so good!

“You know Amber. You shouldn’t jump around onto my bed. Your boobs jump too, and I can’t say I don’t like that.” He said with a perverted smile playing on his lips. My arms went over my chest as I crossed them. Sitting as still as I could. The way he said it made me feel disgusted in him, but I still blushed because he was looking at me as though I was something he wanted.

“You’re a pervert!!!” I yelled.

“I know I know.” Again with the repeated ‘I know.’ “But, you can’t help but like it. You’re blushing a lot too.” I looked down to hide my blushing and turned my body to face the wall still with my arms crossed and sitting down. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.

“Ashley, can I lay instead?” I asked.

“I didn’t say you had to sit now did I?” He replied with a question. Sometimes I hated when people did that. It just annoyed me. Seeing as what he said was pretty much a yes I laid in his bed and got under the blankets. I felt alone so without saying anything I reached behind me and pat the empty spot in the bed. Ashley’s body laid beside me as the bed sunk, telling me I wasn’t alone anymore.

“Hey Amber?” He asked with a questioning but cute tone.

“Yeah?” I asked back.

“Turn around.” I did as I was told and turned around. My eyes met his. I gazed into them for a short period of time until he broke the awkward staring.

“So, tell me about yourself.” He said. “I’m pretty sure you know everything about me already.”

“Um... I’m a vegan, I love animals, and I love dying my hair. Haha” I replied lifting one of my side braids up and dropping it.

“You’re also crazy like CC.” He mentioned my craziness and CC as though we were so much alike. He and I had only one thing in common, we were a little hyperactive all the time... Maybe more than a little.

“But I don’t like CC.” I said just to let Ash know. I also wondered if this guy right here had feelings for me at all. Or did he just want sex with every girl?

“No?” He looked surprised at my statement. Why would he?

“Seriously. I don’t like him in that kind of way.”

“Then who is it that you like Amber? Jake? Jinxx? Andy?”

“I’m not telling you. It’s a secret.” I grinned. No way in hell was I going to tell him right away that I liked him.


“Narrrp.” Total lie. Of course I liked him.

“Who is it? Don’t make me tickle it out of you.” He sort of threatened me.

“No one.” I saw it coming, Ashley jumped onto of me, straddling my waist once again. This time he didn’t tickle me right away, he had my arms pinned above my head and started staring into my eyes.

“Now  tell me Amber. Who is it?” This time he sounded more seductive. And I felt like giving in but I didn’t.

“I said. No one.” I felt a smile play on my lips as I spoke. His face was so close to mine I could feel him breathing.

“We can do this the easy way. Which is you tell me, and I let you go. Or we can do it the hard way. Which is you don’t tell me and I do whatever I want to you.” He sounded like a sexy killer. Not that he was one. Right? Nahh, just messing with your mind. Ashley is NOT a killer. He only kills people’s virginity.

“I’ll take my chances.” I replied smartly. Knowing that he would probably embarrass me or tickle me to oblivion. And I was right, the pain of being tickled shot through me. Ashley’s free hand began tickling my body wherever he could reach.

“Ash. STAAAPPP!” I tried to scream between giggles. Over my laughs I heard him chuckle.

“NEVER!!!” He yelled putting on a deeper voice. I tried to escape from under him, but it was kind of impossible seeing as I had my arms pinned above me.

“I’ll. Do. Anything.” I managed to choke out. That’s when he stopped. Leaning in closer, he asked.

“Anything?” A grin played on his lips.

-Ashley POV-

“Anything?” I asked with a grin playing on my lips.  The whole ‘she’s my sister’ kind of friendship totally went away when I saw her jump on my bed today. I had feelings for Andy yes, but I had sexual feelings for Amber. FUCK!

“Yes. Anything! Just don’t tickle me.” She pleaded. Her bright blue eyes were so beautiful. And they showed me she was lusting after something. Or someone.

“Like this?” I leaned in even closer, and our lips just brushed against each other. The thought of when we first kissed, didn’t change how I felt. I wanted this girl. I wanted her now.

 Hey guys tell me what you think.

I'm not "normal." - (Andley in a way)Where stories live. Discover now