Chapter 5

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 “Night Ash. Sweet dreams” His lips grazed my cheek and a shiver went down my spine. With that, he left.

I didn’t pretend to have sex even though I’d said I would. Tonight didn’t feel... Right.

Chapter 5:

-Amber POV-

My legs practically told me to keep running. To never stop. My mind on the other hand kept on yelling at me to give up and stop any second. I on the other hand: wanted to take a break from everything to do with sport for a five minute break that would have turned into an hours’ worth of tweets and procrastination. And so, I climbed off the treadmill only to fall face-first into someone’s chest.

“Sorry!” I blurted. I snapped my head up to see Ashley smirking down at me. Not him again.

“Sup McCrackin!” He delighted and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I felt like my ribs were going to shatter any moment now.

“Can’t—Breath” I coughed and gasped for air. A chuckle escaped his lips and he hesitantly let go.

“How was your sleep? Oh and have you seen CC today? Band is going to practice for tomorrow’s concert, and we kind of need the drummer in every song.” He shot me questions and babbled on about something with then a serious face.

“My sleep didn’t last long. I went out last night. Well technically early this morning, when apparently you were purposely annoying Andy. And no I haven’t seen CC anywhere since what happened yesterday.” I spoke with honesty. After what happened yesterday, I tried to avoid seeing CC at all costs. He’d spoke to me as though I was a slut, and assumed Ashley and I were actually sleeping with each other.

“Well, if you can’t sleep_” He winked, “_You could always come to my room.” A smirk spread across his face. What was with this guy? One minute he was serious and the next he was pervert.

“I’ll knock myself out in my own room then.” I replied, folding my arms across my chest.

“Ow... That hurt.” He feigned to stagger back and placed his hand to where his heart was. The sides of Ashley’s lips turned upward slowly. “So Amber. Coming to the concert tonight?” He asked suddenly.

“I’ll try to make it.” I answered meaning: I can’t make it.

“I hope you can. CC will be happy to see you at the concert... That’s if he shows up at all...” I lowered my head to hide how much I was blushing at what he just said. Ashley let out a chuckle at my embarrassment.

“Yeah yeah Purdy. I said I’ll try to make it.”

“Good, I’ve got something planned for tonight that no one knows about.” He said suspiciously. 

Note: SORRY! Even though no one likes reading this fanfic. I've been having intense writer's block. This "chapter" was shitty I know. Then again, it'll keep you wondering if you do like this fanfic so far.

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