Chapter 3

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And the first thing that came to mind was Ashley and his love for women, so I shot a quick look in his direction to see his facial expression when he’d first had his eyes on the girl who took my breath away.

-Ashley POV-

After what seemed like a very long time, CC finally convinced the stranger girl to speak to him. Time went by all too quickly, and Chuppy who left the room, actually managed to get some digits from the girl who had totally pushed him off of her four hours ago. We found that she’s known as “Amber on Fire”, “Amber McCrackin,” or just “Amber” on the internet and in reality. She’s not like those other girls with major tans, big tits and ass or at all seem flirty, but there is that one thing about her I couldn’t figure out that made me want to be near her, what made things easier was that she was always staring at my shirtless body. So the easy way to find out what makes me want to be near her, is to be the Ashley Purdy everybody knows.

We all decided to follow CC who followed Amber to her room tonight. After an hour of awkward conversation Andy, Jake, Jinxx and CC left for a night at the club. You may be wondering why I wasn’t going but that’s because I had to get to know Amber just a bit.

 I turned my head to look at her to see her looking down at her phone with a wide grin playing on her lips. She was on the other end of the plush red velvet sofa I was also sitting in. Time to get the Purdy on, I thought to myself. It was the only way to find out what she had that drew me to her. She was still looking down at her phone as her fingers pressed away at the touch screen keyboard. I leaned further into the sofa to try and see what she was grinning at but, before I could she already locked the screen and threw the phone in her bag.  When it was out of sight and in her bag completely, my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. I quickly fished it out and saw a new notification message:


 @AmberMcCkrackin1 tweeted: @AshleyPurdy is a boring guest to have. Where’s @ccbvb when you need him? L

From the corner of my eye, I could see Amber giggling and she turned to look away at something else in the room when our eyes met. A sudden thought jumped in my mind, and it was time to get the Purdy on, now or never. I quickly shoved my phone back in my pocket after replying to her tweet:

@AmberMcCrackin1 you’re a boring host! Let’s go clubbing!

I started sliding closer towards her on the sofa, she shot me a suspicious look and I stopped abruptly. She looked away and I got closer to her. When we were really close, I placed my right arm around her shoulders then her voice spoke suddenly, “Ashley Purdy, you’re creeping me out...” she trailed off, and then my Purdyness kicked in a tad bit.

“Well babe, I usually get something like ‘Ashley Purdy, your room or mine?’ But I can deal with a change.” I put on a girly voice when saying what those other chicks I’d sleep with would say. I caught Amber’s eyes lingering on my chest while I spoke, and then trailing down to my abs. She noticed I caught her staring at my body after a silent minute and her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.

“Sorry_ Oh it’s just_ I” She stuttered, and then a smile grew on her lips. I needed to kiss her just for the sake of knowing what she had that pulled me to her. With my hand, I gently tilted her head up by her chin so our eyes would meet but she looked behind me to avoid any eye contact. Come on Ashley! You’re so close, just kiss her already! I obeyed my mind and leaned in closer to Amber, my eyes remained on hers just to see if she’d look me in the eyes at any moment, “Amber look at me”, I spoke softly. Just as I finished saying it her ocean blue eyes were looking into my eyes. In that instance my mind was devoid of thought; my body filled with lust.

-Amber POV-

Ashley’s lips pressed against mine harshly, his tongue was soon pressing at my lips asking for entrance. Something switched in my mind, No Amber, you can’t do this to CC. And plus, you’ve only just met Ash. I obeyed my mind by placing my hands on his shoulders trying to push him away but he pulled me closer with his lips still on mine. It felt so wrong to be kissing Ashley, but felt so right because it mixed in with his intoxicating scent of Black Cologne.

His arm that was around my shoulders pulled me closer to him, and his other hand went to grip firmly on my waist. I started pushing against his shoulders as hard at I could, and jerked my head back to finally break the kiss. I also tried to not look him in the eyes again, but when I did, I saw a questioning expression in his eyes and on his face. “Sorry Ash, I can’t. I mean, it feels wrong to do this. You understand right?” I asked, then I realised that this was Ashley Purdy I was dealing with, “Sorry.” I choked out.

“You’re so right McCrackin. You see, it felt good that your boobs were pressing against my naked chest through your clothes and all. It also felt good that I was kissing your soft lips because you taste like candy chapstick, but it doesn’t feel right because_” he paused and sighed, “_you’re a friend that’s more like a sister in a way. I should be apologizing.” His grip on my waist loosened and his arm that was around my shoulders was at his side again. I have no idea why a smile was growing on my lips, and I jumped up onto my feet giggling.

“Purdy! Let us go find Chuppy and the rest of the musketeers!” I beamed with craziness. He chuckled and stood up with one arm linking with mine. “And find them we shall!” His voice overpowered mine with volume, and he looked down at me with a grin planted across his face. “McCrackin, I see why CC would like you. You’re both crazy and full of hypo.” He quickly added. I blushed at the thought of CC liking me. I mean... I kind of liked him even though I was scared of him four hours ago.

“Oh shucks. Let’s go find Chuppy now then, Ashley!” He was right by calling me crazy and hypo- I was full of energy and it was AH-MAY-ZING! I bent down to pick my bag up and felt a hard slap on my butt, “Ow! Ash!” I shrieked and stood up straight again.

“It wasn’t me ma’am! I swear!” He held his hands up in surrender and put on a British accent.

“You sir_” I poked his chest “_ are so naughty.” He chuckled, and I realised what I’d just said to Ashley. I knew that he was going to get something kinky out of what I’d just said.

I'm not "normal." - (Andley in a way)Where stories live. Discover now