(31) As The Pages Burn

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I sat in my mum's house visiting my childhood. I sighed, something felt off. I sat on the kitchen island with a steaming mint tea in my hands.

"Mum why can't I remember him? He mentions those memories but I don't remember. I feel like I'm disappointing him." I whispered, my mum sighs.

"I don't know my dear. God you were so happy, I ask myself why did this have to happen to you." My mothers whispers, I felt fustrated.

"I don't know. It hurt to see that you're disappointing someone. But I don't know." I whispered until someone caught my attention, there was a photograph on the glass table. I think it was Aleksi and I, it looks like a virtual moment where he picks me up and spins me around in the photo. We were both laughing.

"Uh mum when was this?" I asked holding the picture.

"This was when we had the renewal of our vows. God, I remember that day so well. You two were the talk of the party." My mother whispers. God why can't I remember this?

"I don't remember, he always tells me those memories we shared. Why do I feel on fire when he touches me? Whenever I tell him I don't remember, his blue eyes are broken. I'm breaking him!" I whisper feeling a tear stream down my face.

"It's alright Lilith stop being hard on yourself, you were in an accident. It takes time and Aleksi has made it clear he will wait for you." My mum says.

"Can I stay here?" I whisper and she nods. I walked into my bedroom, I sighed and laid on my bed. I found a shirt on top of my luggage and it was a note.

Dear Lilith,
I know you don't remember but I'll wait for however long it takes. Because I love you, so I gave you one of your favorite shirts that you used to wear from my collection.
- Love, Aleksi

I pulled off my clothes and put the shirt on. It smelt of him, whenever he would be going out, he would douse himself with it.

I threw open my balcony door and sat on the balcony looking at the full moon. A shooting star came and I made a wish.


The house felt empty without Lilith's presence. I looked at the empty space that she used to preoccupy. It was Rilla and I only, I tried my hardest to keep it together.

Rilla whimper while she cuddled up to me. "I know Rilla, I miss her too." I whispered to my little dog, I decided to pick her up and walk toward the living room. I recalled the first time she came here. Sometimes when I was at the recording studio, I didn't want to come home.

I stood near my window and saw a shooting star, they say make a wish. I wished hard for one thing, but it's better not to be said.

(The Next Day)

"Hey little man how are you holding up?" Joonas asks me while I was tracking Niko's and Joel's vocals.

"Peachy...How would you feel if your girlfriend forgot you? How would fucking feel?" I asked my band mate. Joonas sighs.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to make you upset. It's not easy on us either. She forgot us also." Joonas whispers and I clapped the guitarist on the shoulder.

"It's alright man...It's my fault anyway. I shouldn't have assumed she uh slept with Tommi, that's why she left that night. It's my fault Porko. Maybe I do deserve this." I whispered.

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