(42) Be Mine, Forevermore

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It was New Year's Eve, Aleksi was performing on National television. I was so proud of him. My four month belly, God five more months to go. I couldn't wait to see my little one.

Rilla was snuggled up to me, I'm sure Liz was having fun with the boys. I sighed, staring myself in the mirror. I was only going to be getting bigger now, more heavier.

What if Aleksi lost interest in me? I stare at myself, where did my life go wrong? Was I scared to be a mother? Yes...I was terrified. I just wanted to make sure to give birth to a healthy baby.

I missed my band so much, I wished to perform with them sometime. I watched the Blind Channel performance on television.

"That's your daddy on television little one, God you're so lucky to have a father like him." I whispers to my four month baby bump. I tried my best to wait up for Aleksi and I fell asleep on the couch.


I was performing on stage for New Year's Eve. Here I was thinking about Lilith and the baby. I also had my grandmothers engagement ring.

"Little man why are you in deep thought?" Asks the blonde haired vocalist.

"Just thinking about Lilith and asking her to marry me." I whisper, the blonde haired vocalist looks at me with a smile.

"You should do it, you two are perfect together." Joel said, as his make-up was getting touched up and I nodded. We got through our performance, had a little after party.

I found myself heading home, I found Lilith curled up on the couch with a blanket. Her four month baby belly bulging out, she was wearing my Mattson hoodie.

I walked over to her and smooth out her burgundy hair from her face. Her green eyes looked up into mine.

"Hi baby girl! Happy New Year." I whisper with a smile, she sat up on her knees and pressed her lips against mine.

"Happy New Year baby." She said, while we kissed passionately, her arms wrapping around my neck. Our kisses got more passionate, God I'd love to have her in my arms and have my way. But she was pregnant.

"Lilith as much as I would love to have sex with you, I don't want to hurt you and the baby." I said, Lilith pouts and nods reluctantly pulling away.

"God when this baby is out of me, you'll have to fuck me again. I can't take it." Lilith whines, it made me laugh to see her so eager to be with me.

"Is that what you like our sex? Our relationship too." I said with a chuckle, Lilith rips off my leather jacket and she scoots over so I could lay next to her. We laid on our sides, we were staring into each other's eyes.

I touched her bump and I started speaking to the baby.

"Hey this is your daddy speaking, treat your mummy well for me okay. Don't make her too weak." I said in a scolding tone, Lilith laughs at me.

"God Aleksi you're a dork!" Lilith said with a giggle. I pulled her close to me.

"But I'm your dork though." I said with a pout, she nods with a laugh. I pressed my lips against hers, God I couldn't get enough of her.

"So what do you want to have? A baby boy or girl?" I asked Lilith.

"I don't mind...What about you?" She asks me, while her head was resting against my chest.

"You see I would love a baby girl, then I can chase away all the boyfriends. I wouldn't mind a boy, but I would love a cute little daughter." I said with a sigh.

"I wouldn't mind it either...I can imagine you chasing away the boys. I mean I can imagine Joonas pushing the stroller." Lilith said with a laugh.

The boys had invited us out for dinner the next evening. I saw Lilith getting dressed in a long sleeve black dress, tights and some combat boots. We walked in hand in hand.

"Oh my goodness Lilith look at you!" Niko said with a smile on his lips, while she hugged him.

"How's the pregnancy going?" Joel asks with Liz at his side.

"It's going fine, getting bigger and bigger. Not sure how Aleksi tolerates it really." Lilith said with a sigh while taking a sip of water.

"Because you two love each other!" Olli said. We all laughed and nodded. She was glowing, her beauty was breathtaking. I held her hand.

We got home after spending time with the boys, Lilith removed her jump suit and she stood in her bra and underwear. I pulled her toward the bed.

"Aleksi stop!" Lilith said with a giggle, I found my hands rest on top of her belly. I sighed.

"I love you!" I whispered into her neck, I could see turn over to face me.

"I love you too." She whispered. I had my grandmothers ring close by. I decided to go for it.

"Uh Lilith. I want to ask you something." I said and she sat up and faces me.

"What is it Aleksi?" She asks me. I pulled out the black velvet box which revealed the ring:

 I pulled out the black velvet box which revealed the ring:

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"Aleksi?" Lilith asks me and I took a deep breath.

"I love you so much, and I want you to be mine forevermore, will you marry me?" I asked Lilith. Lilith looks up at me, her eyes had tears streaming down her face.

"Yes I'll marry you! Always." Lilith said and I slid the ring on her finger, she leans up and presses her lips against mine.

"You're the Prince Eric to my princess Ariel." She whispers and I laughed at the fact she still remembered that nickname.

"And you're the princess Ariel to my Prince Eric." I said, while we both laughed at that.

"I love you." We both said in unison. This was the perfect chapter of being our new lives together.

"You know Aleksi...Why don't we just elope? No band just us. And our love story." Lilith whispered.

"I like the sound of that." I said with a smile and we spent the rest of the night in each other's arms.

"Our little family: you, me, Rilla and our little one." Lilith said with a smile.

"Our little wolf pack." I said.

A/N: Aleksi proposed... Three more chapters to go! Thank you all for supporting this story, although you didn't have to. All the reads mean a lot to me. Do you think Lilith and Aleksi will elope? Also do you think she's having a baby boy or girl? - Nantia

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