I've been hard at work, setting up staging areas for the fireworks show. I had Powell running trains of supplies to every major outpost along the rails.
I've taken care of Gonzales's lightshow. In the old Fairview school courtyard, I had fireworks equipment set up. Nino Jose and Daddy making sure I don't catch anything on fire or blow myself up.
"So, when is this going off again?" Nino asked while I strung together another set.
"I don't know. Maybe around eight-ish?"
"Well, your gonna have to sync all the fireworks up." Daddy said. "A certain time when they all should go off really helps."
.Yeah, I know." I stood up, stretching my aching and hunched over back. "Let's say 9:30"
"Nice. Can you help me set up this tripod?"
Nino walked over, holding down the legs as I hammered the pin home.
"This surely is a big step up from launching fireworks outside Me-me's house."
Daddy laughed. "Hopefully the fireworks dont go after you again."
We all laughed.Later that day, I radioed all the engineers.
"Fireworks should go off at 9:30, everyone setup!"
It was 5:00 now, but there was still plenty to do. I had my fireworks on a timer, passenger trains were set to overview the fireworks show.
I wanted everything picture perfect for our treat.

The Zombie Train The Transport Corp
Ficção CientíficaThe Salinas Vally is secure, allies are assured, but the work isn't over yet. Moving things around this new country is a never ending job. Now it's time for politics, as the Democratic Society of the United States grows bit by bit. But an enemy loom...