Chapter 4: Fireworks Fun

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I've been hard at work, setting up staging areas for the fireworks show. I had Powell running trains of supplies to every major outpost along the rails.
I've taken care of Gonzales's lightshow. In the old Fairview school courtyard, I had fireworks equipment set up. Nino Jose and Daddy making sure I don't catch anything on fire or blow myself up.
"So, when is this going off again?" Nino asked while I strung together another set.
"I don't know. Maybe around eight-ish?"
"Well, your gonna have to sync all the fireworks up." Daddy said. "A certain time when they all should go off really helps."
.Yeah, I know." I stood up, stretching my aching and hunched over back. "Let's say 9:30"
"Nice. Can you help me set up this tripod?"
Nino walked over, holding down the legs as I hammered the pin home.
"This surely is a big step up from launching fireworks outside Me-me's house."
Daddy laughed. "Hopefully the fireworks dont go after you again."
We all laughed.

Later that day, I radioed all the engineers.
"Fireworks should go off at 9:30, everyone setup!"
It was 5:00 now, but there was still plenty to do. I had my fireworks on a timer, passenger trains were set to overview the fireworks show.
I wanted everything picture perfect for our treat.

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