Chapter 34: The Road To War

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"Jessica, I'm sorry but I need to see Dai now." I said as cooly as I could.
"He's on the phone with the mayor in Wooster, maybe in a minute or two."
"Okay, fine."
I walked back to my office, tuning the radio to the channel between Dai and Mayor Fowler.
"Sir, I must ask you, these men are really giving us a beating."
"Yes, they're disrupting trade to our smaller outposts to the west."
"All I'm asking is for 100 men to fight this war."
"A war you say? Don't you have relations with the Governor in Russia?"
"Yes, but he's not returning my messages."
"If I give you these men, what will I get in return?"
"Your outposts back, we'll push up and leave them for your taking. Not to mention any military assets left there."
"Okay, how long do you think this will take?"
I signed off, I stormed into the Rail and Spike offices, surprising Jessica and Christian behind the cubicles, and Powell behind the desk. "Dai's gonna take us to war."
"Oh come on guys! Those men in green have been really giving us a headache, 'bout time we give them a taste of their own medicine." I shouted.
"You're not really..." Jessie said softly.
"Oh hell yes!" I walked over behind the desk, pulling out the blueprints for the 844. Rolling it out on the coffee table, to the dismay of both Jessie and Christian. I took a pencil, roughly drawing out sketches of armor plating.
"Are you kidding? Nothing like this has ever been made since World War Two!" Powell said in dismay.
"So... let's bring it back! It's our best shot!"

With Nino Jose's approval, work began on the greatest military asset we had on the ground.
I spent most of my days in the tower now, watching the work being completed, as well as watching the trains pass by. They had assured me that I had to wait only three weeks before it was completed. But I knew, war was already here.
On September 20th, 2023, The Democratic Society of The United States declared war on anyone wearing the green banner of the San Patricios.

The sleeping giant had been awoken.

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