Chapter 5: Celebration Consist

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I convinced Dai to let me take Dai for the Fireworks Special. It was approved.
I backed the 7F into the coaches. I felt the impact through the floor. Closing the regulator, I screwed the reverser into full forward, closing the small ejector. I set the handbrake, hopping down to lace up the air brakes. Connecting the glad hands with a sharp snap. I walked back up to the cab. Climbing up the steps, I met Will shoveling coal.
"Will? What are you doing?"
He looked up over to me. "Oh. Hey Marvin. The fire seemed a little low..."
"Yeah, I'm just doing shunting work, I was just about to set out. Thanks."
"Oh. Your welcome. I don't know where Powell went."
"Oh that's alright, he just went to the bathroom real quick."
"Oh, okay. Need a fireman?"
"Sure! You seemed to know what you're doing."
The safety valve began to lift, the loud hiss of escaping steam. I took my post, letting off the brake.
"So we'll be starting in Paso Robles, we'll run a stopping passenger service to all towns. At approximately 9:20, our and Mathew's Excursion will intersect at Gonzales, where the fireworks show will be. Then we'll continue running to the end of the line, terminating at Gilroy, and running back to Gonzales."
"Okay, got it."
I looked back, Mr. Davidson, who would be acting as guard, waved his green flag. I gave him a thumbs up. I gave him a long whistle, followed by a quilled one. We were to be the highest priority on the line, all signals green. In a cloud of smoke and steam, we reversed onto the main line, quickly gaining speed.
The sun was beginning to sink in the West, out behind the safety of the mountains protecting our sides.

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