Chapter 9: Bonding

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The Gonzales fog quickly dissipated as we left California, the mountains now only a faint blur far behind us.
I kept the throttle at 80%, trying to keep it easy on Will. I looked out, seeing the "Welcome to Colorado" sign pass us at 65 miles per hour. I looked out at the plains and few trees rushing pass us, the golden evening making the scenery almost picture-perfect.
"Man. I've never been out here before."
"I have."
"Of course." He chuckled to himself. "How was it? Living on just a train?"
I laughed, "Very cramped." We laughed. "I umm... had to share the caboose car with my brother, even now, he can't pick up his clothes when he changes." He cracked up. "But umm... the worst thing was that since I was the only engineer, my only experience being Train Simulator." We were dying of laughter. Will nearly hit his head on the boiler.
"Man! I haven't laughed that hard since last Christmas!"
Even after the bubbling laughter, the smiles never really left is for the rest of the day. It was just too nice to fight, even with the chilliness of the late evening. The blazing fire, plus our own good will, kept us both warm into the night.
The tracks were clear, the points were set for us, the full moon gave us good visibility of the road ahead. It would be early next morning before we would get to Wooster, but we kept awake only by our sheer determination.
The next day, we would set off back home with Dai, dragging his broken engine back home with us.

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